Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Patron Saint

If you are a catholic, chances are you sometimes seek the intercession of your Patron Saint. I want to introduce to you mine. Saint Dismas.

If you remember, Dismas was one of the thieves who were crucified together with Jesus. The other one was Hestas who even challenged Jesus to save themselves. But Dismas acknowledged his weakness and instead requested Jesus: "Lord remember me when you go to paradise", to which Jesus responded: " Amen, Amen I say to thee, today you will be with Me in Paradise", thus, his sins were forgiven and was instantly converted to Saint.

Come to think of it...St. Dismas was the only Saint canonized instantly...and he was the only one canonized by Christ Himself. All the other Saints are canonized by the Pope only after so many years of thorough study.

Therefore when you need instant intercession I recommend St. Dismas. You will be surprised. He is always ready to intercede and considering that he is so close to Jesus he is never denied as he wasn't denied when he requested for Heaven. Furthermore his saintly office is not very busy as many still consider him a thief, not a Saint. Just pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be for his glory after mentioning your request.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Qualities of God's Love

We always say that God is Love but how do we distinguish this love from other emotions , experiences and feelings that we call love? Let us analyze and discover the qualities of God's Love through the Way of the Cross.

The First Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is REMINDFUL. During the Last Supper He established the Holy Eucharist then He said:"Do this in memory of Me".

The Second Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is OBEDIENT. At the Garden of Getsemane Jesus prayed in preparation for His death where He said: "Thy will be done.

The Third Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is COURAGEOUS. At the Sanhedrin
Jesus was given the verdict of death but he bravely accepted it.

The Fourth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is PERSEVERING. Jesus was scourged at the pillar and was crowned with thorns but he bravely persevered.

The Fith Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is STRONG. Jesus was made to carry the cross containing the sins of the whole world but He did not complain.

The Sixth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is PATIENT. Because of the weight of the Cross Jesus fell down but He patiently stood up and continued walking with the cross.

The Seventh Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is HELPFUL. He allowed Simon Cereneo to help Him carry the cross.

The Eight Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is UNDERSTANDING. On the way He
met the crying women of Jerusalem but He told them: "Don't cry for Me. Cry for your sins and those of your children",

The Ninth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is FORGIVING. When He was about to be nailed to the cross Jesus cried:" Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing".

The Tenth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is CARING. Before Jesus died on the cross He promised the Thief Dimas..."Amen, Amen I say to thee...this day you will be with Me in paradise".

The Eleventh Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is TRUSTING. When Jesus said, "Woman behold thy son and son, behold thy mother", He entrusted us to His mother and His mother to us.

The Twelfth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is REDEEMING. When Jesus died in the cross He paid for our sins and redeemed the whole world.

The Thirteenth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is PEACEFUL. When Jesus was buried, He made the tomb a very peaceful and Holy place.

The Fourteenth Station of the Cross is the Love of Jesus that is TRIUMPHANT. Jesus victoriously resurrected to show His triumph over death.

Friday, June 15, 2007

AILMENTS (Secondary Gains)

There are reasons why there are ailments. Some are easily detected by the laboratories but deep within the ailments are the psychological reasons that materialize because of some secondary gains by the patients:

A-ttention-getting device like asthma and whooping cough

I-nternational fame like when the ailment brings the patient internationally to find
L-ashing at self or a kind of self flagellation due to guilt brought by previous
M-ask of responsibility such as vomiting before a task or sudden headache before
E-qulizer like heart problems by a mother to get even with the children who are
N-eutralizer to satisfy one's ego

T-rophy like burns and bruises by a busy housewife.

85% of Ailments are for secondary gains and are therefore all in the mind

Thursday, June 7, 2007



W-word (what you are saying)

A-action (what you are doing)

T-thought (what you are thinking)

C-character (what you are showing)

H-heart (what you are feeling)

The Fountain of Youth

F-ind joy everyday, anywhere. If you are resourceful enough there are so many sources
of joy available all around you wherever you are.
O-bserve things around you and be curious about them. There are a lot of interesting
things happening that you fail to notice everyday.
U-nite with lively people. If you only meet "your kind", you will only end up
comparing notes about your problems, disappointments and ailments.

N-urture your health by eating the right food, doing the right exercise and
maintaining a good mental attitude in life.
T-hink positive. No matter how unfortunate you think you are, there are others more
unfortunate than you. Always look at the better side of anything.
A-lways look forward and upward. The past is gone and must be buried with the past.
Don't be a slave of your past misfortunes.
I-nsist on the true, the good and the beautiful. Your opinion and attitude about
anything help in seeing the reality about them.
N-ever think old. Age is only a quality of the mind. You are only as old as you
think. Age doesn't matter if matter doesn't age.

O-bey the Laws of Nature. Lived in moderation.
F-ind something different to do every now and then. Don't live in boredom.

Y-earn to learn again. There are always new things to know. Look for them.
O-pen your mind always. A closed mind is a dead mind.
U-se your common sense which unfortunately is now very uncommon.
T-ry your sense of play. There are always interesting games for you.
H-ave a good sense of humor. Laugh at yourself and make other's laugh with you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

shared idea

Life is a gloom if you think youre trapped in a dark tunnel.
But it becomes gloomier if you just sit back and never try to see the light.

Guidelines on Child Rearing

C-hild's ORIENTATION PERIOD occurs during the pre-school years when the child is introduced to the world around him. The people, the surroundings and the intricacies of life. This is manifested by curiosity, playfulness and tantrums.

H-ow the child is properly oriented by the parents is very important. At this time the child must experience the sense of security, the sense of freedom and the sense of achievement. He must be secured physically, emotionally and psychologically.

I-ndeed this is considered the most crucial period, as this is the FORMATIVE STAGE of growth and the child should be properly guided in attaining home education through proper guidance, good example and instructions on moral values.

L-earns quickly a lot of values and should be guarded against negative ideas and bad influences. Should be rewarded for good behavior and praised for good deeds new found capabilities should be recognized. choice of nanny or yaya must be carefully evaluated.

D-ISORIENTATION PERIOD (The Awkward Stage of Teen Age). This is when physical, emotional and psychological changes occur. Males grow taller while females develop bigger hips and breast. Females menstruate and males ejaculate,

R-isky is this period of variable tolerance when teen-agers just can't tolerate someone too old or someone too childish as well as other teen-agers sometimes. He is strongly attracted by peer groups and have new feelings toward opposite sex.

E-very time and everywhere he goes he thinks he is always right, feels always most reasonable and thinks always misunderstood. He experiences identity crisis, hates being called "miniature adult" and dislikes being branded "grown-up infant".

A-lways confused knowing he is not anymore a child but also aware that he is not yet an adult.. Do things against social standard for he thinks he is really a different specie with his own uniqueness and ambiguity.

R-EORIENTATION PERIOD or Stage of Adulthood. Time of realization of past mistakes and other experiences with better understanding and clearer vision due to genuine enlightenment. He then accepts what he really is and attains peace of mind.

I-ndividual characteristics now develop gradually forming a new being with an entirely different personality all his own. He is now aware of the importance of open communication, cooperation and creativity.

N-ew world is now explored with new ideas, new education, new aspirations, and new vision and mission in life. He is now mature and fully understands the complexities not only of himself but of other people and of life in general.

G-rows gracefully as an important member of society with well rounded personality, not only physically but also intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, morally and spiritually.

Monday, June 4, 2007


A STRONG WOMAN works out every day to keep her body in shape.
But a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.
A STRONG WOMAN isn’t afraid of anything.
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.
A STRONG WOMAN won’t let anyone get the best of her.
But a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.
A STRONG WOMAN wears the look of confidence on her face.
But a woman of strength wears grace.
A STRONG WOMAN walks sure-footedly.
But a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.
A STRONG WOMAN makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future.
A woman of strength realizes life’s mistakes can also be God’s blessings and capitalizes on them.
A STRONG WOMAN has faith that she is strong enough for the journey.
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.---
I wish I could be one

Good Character traits

Character, as someone said, is what you are in the dark. It is that which distinguishes you from the rest. It is the trait that keeps your identity intact even when alone. Let us review the most important character traits.

G-enerosity is willingness to give more.
O-ptimism is a belief that something good is coming.
O-rderliness is the logical, systematic or tidy way of arranging things.
D-iligence is doing the work wholeheartedly.

C-arefulness is being seriously attentive or cautious in doing things.
H-elpfulness is the willingness to offer assistance when needed.
A-rtistic is being adept at aesthetically pleasing work.
R-esourcefulness is the cleverness in finding ways of doing things.
A-vailability is readiness to offer oneself.
C-harisma is the ability to attract and influence others.
T-ruthfulness is being honest.
E-fficiency is the exceptional capability and competence.
R-eliability is consistency in good performance.

T-rustworthiness is the capability to be dependable.
R-espectfulness is being polite and considerate.
A-ttentiveness is the ability to concentrate and listen.
I-nitiative is the ability to do what needs to be done.
T-actfulness is skill in dealing with people or situation.
S-incerity is being genuine and non-hypocritical.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Man in the Glass (shared)

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day.
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn’t your father, your mother or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
You may be like
Jack Horner and chisel a plum
And think you’re a wonderful guy.
But the man on the glass says you’re only a bum
If, you can’t look him straight in the eye.
He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest,
For he’s with you clear to the end.
And you’ve passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If, the man in the glass, is your friend.
You may fool the world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

Samples of Positive Conversions

Any kin observer will notice that our surroundings are full of things negative: No Parking, No Left Turn, Do Not Enter, No Smoking, No Public Display of Affection, etc. Anywhere we go we are affected by the negative vibrations that bring about gloom into our lives. Our intention is to teach you how to convert negative into positive without changing the intention. For instance, NO PARKING ON THIS SIDE could easily be converted to PLEASE PARK ON THE OTHER SIDE. The following are samples of positive conversions that could serve as guidelines in forming the habit.

P-adlocked: Do Not Enter could be converted positively to Enter when open.

O-bserve silence is the positive counterpart of No Talking Here.

S-pace on this side is Not For Parking, converts to Please Park on the Other Side.

I-ntimate Display of Affection is prohibited here, converts to Romance is for the
T-hrowing garbage is Not Allowed here, converts to Please Use the Garbage Can.

I-llegal use of drugs and gambling are Not Permitted here, converts to Please
Practice Good Hobbies.
V-andals shall be Prosecuted, converts to Please help keep the walls clean.

E-mpty your bladder in the comfort room instead of No Peeing here.

If we develop the habit of converting negative into positive we shall become positive thinkers and optimists. We shall begin to see the brighter side of life and shall always be counting our blessings. Eventually we shall see the beauty of life, shall emanate optimism, peace of mind, good health and success.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Guidelines on Dieting

D-on't eat fattening foods such as carbohydrates and everything sweet and fatty.

I-nsist on using your external senses actively and often.

E-xercise effectively whether at home or at work. Any movement is exercise.

T-ry your sense of play and sense of humor. They are very slimming.

I-nteract with active people. It is a kind of sport,

N-ever stay physically and mentally idle for a long time.

G-ive yourself a reward for successfully doing the above.

Char. of Cancer Personality

C-entered self-pity
A-limited capacity to trust self or others
N-on forgiving attitude
C-an't keep long relationship
E-xperienced rejection (real or imaginary)
R-esentment holding

Signs of (caution)...

C-Change of bowel or bladder habit
A-rare sore that won't heal or thick lump anywhere
N-agging cough and hoarseness
C-hange in warts and moles
E-asy bleeding and unusual discharge
R-egular indigestion and difficulty in swallowing

Proper disposition...

C-onsult a doctor (oncologist)
A-ccept reality
N-urture a good mental attitude
C-hrist's help must be sought
E-xercise positive thinking
R-elax and allow your own healing power to work for you