Monday, March 30, 2009



I was almost caught flat-footed when a smart 15 year old boy, yesterday, asked me point blank: “What is the best advice you can give to everyone?”

For a while I was speechless while rolling my eyes upwards groping for an acceptable answer. I was tempted to say “Be good” but I knew it was an overused advice very rarely implemented or practiced.

I took one deep breath before I had the nerve to say: “Moderation in everything… yes, in thought, in words, in deed!” The boy was the one stunned by what I said but then approvingly agreed by saying: “Yes, I think that is the best advice I ever heard”.

If we moderate our thought, we would not be entertaining impure ideas or plans as we would only be thinking positively. Our attitude on our selves, on other people and on things would always be pleasant and encouraging.

If we moderate our words we would not say bad things about people, places or events. We would be picking good adjectives to describe anything.

If we moderate our deed we would not be harming ourselves or other people. We would not overwork. We would not overeat. Our health would be maintained to its best.

It sounds too elementary but is it not a good advice?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



I am still around and I am still alive. Very much around and very much alive to express much thanks to those “concerned citizens” who thought I was completely incapacitated.

No, I am not incapacitated by that mild ‘stroke’ that softly attacked me at early dawn a few days ago. I know God only whispered to me that I no longer belong to the friendster generation or the mirc company. So, I am still here as I promised BRB.

Nothing much really changed about me. Perhaps I got a little lousier because I lost my USB but even that incident I didn’t so much mind as all the documents I have there were also carefully saved in my hard disk. I can also recover and retrieve most of them from my blog spot. After all I am not that lousy yet.

I request my relatives and friends not to worry. God permitting, I intend to live up to the year 2020 for reasons God and me only knows. I still CTC, mind you and I am still capable of ROFL. If you cannot catch me in my Garden you may find me groping at flixter, finding pictures at multiply or simply horsing around at But most of the moments I am at the internet I am seriously exchanging ideas at facebook or checking e-mails at yahoo and hotmail if not googling for some important items to help me do my mental calisthenics.

I find this present world still so enjoyable, I am not ready to change dimension of existence. You cannot yet expect my ghost to haunt you during gloomy nights or suddenly appear in your dream to cheer you up.

Yes dear friends and other concerned citizens, I am still around and I am still alive. Whether that is bad or good news to you GTG in the far future.

Sunday, March 22, 2009



My daughter must have told her children that I had a mild ‘stroke’, so, that night my grand daughter texted me: “Lolo, are you ok?”

I replied, “Yes, I am fine”.

She followed up: “Were you deformed?”

I answered, “I was, slightly, but I am well now, Pogi again”.

She followed up further: “Don’t worry. We all love you. We will take care of you. Good night!!!”

I was so touched by those simple but sincere texts from a 7 year old girl. It was so inspiring and so encouraging to hear such kind of words showing concern.

The messages must have served like a kind of healing balm that suddenly made me feel good and brought me a lot of joy. Now I feel assured that at least one of my physical projections already promised to take care of me.

The greatest fears of aging parents especially in this high tech generation is the feeling of being left alone. It happens left and right. Many aging parents are left to themselves or at most with a lousy helper. It is not easily affordable to hire a caregiver or even if it is affordable, caregiver is not always easily available. The Homes For The Aged are disappointingly unreliable.

The deforming effects of that mild ‘stroke’ that affected me was “miraculously” gone. A small ‘embolus’ must have caused it, was dislodge and is now circulating with my blood flow looking for another chance to block another arteriole. God’s ways are really mysterious. For a short while He reminded me of the fragility and uncertainty of life and for another moment He let me realized anew that in His care I am safe and sound.



It happened a few minutes after midnight of March 22, 2009, the early Dawn of Sunday. I felt a strong urgency to urinate which was not unusual to me as I have been experiencing this for quite a while.

I rose from my bed. I felt I was salivating profusely. I presumed I have eaten something that must have stimulated my salivary glands. But upon lying down my saliva was dripping on my pillow and continued that way till early morning when I was already drinking coffee before going to Mass.

I felt a little weakness but it didn’t bother me as I have also been experiencing it every once in a while.

I walked carefully and slowly on my way to the Church wiping my dripping saliva occasionally. I felt something wrong must have happened. In my mind I mentally reviewed Cerebro-Vascular Accident (CVA) more commonly known In layman’s term as ‘stroke’. If I remembered right the major specific types were (1). Cerebral insufficiency due to transient disturbance of blood flow, or rarely, to hypertensive encephalopathy; (2). Cerebral infarction, due to embolism or to thrombosis; (3). Cerebral hemorrhage. Both ischemic and hemorrhagic tend to come on abruptly. Cerebral Hemorrhage is catastrophic.

As I always do in times like this I deeply inhaled “health vibrations” to be distributed to all parts of my body then breathe out all ailments from my systems. It always worked for me. I felt good that way until the time for the singing of Our Father. I felt that my voice was somehow slurred. I must have been attacked by a mild ‘stroke’. I didn’t entertain fear nor the idea of going to a Doctor for check-up. I was more afraid of what they will do to me once I make consultations.

I would be examined completely and thoroughly and many findings would be discovered. Many medications would be prescribed too. More side effects would surface which will invite more medications and more investigations.

Like a thief in the dark, a mild stroke had stolen a bit of my health.

I continued doing my routine. I went to the Net café alone though more cautious this time. Salivating continued but otherwise I felt good. I could still easily wipe my dripping saliva from the corners of my mouth.

Should anything more than this happen to me anytime, this should not disturb anyone. I have been in this world for quite a while and I am all ready for whatever God desires for me.

check out the rest of the Windows Live™. More than mail–Windows Live™ goes way beyond your inbox. More than messages

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



After the Sunday Mass a woman whispered to me that she was requested to relay to me the message that a close relative of our family died at a nearby Baranggay. She told me the name of the deceased and some of her relatives but I didn’t know anyone of the names mentioned.

I was hesitant to go to the wake as it has been my experience before not to be noticed or talked to by anyone in a wake simply because no one knew me and I knew no one. But the following day another woman reminded me about my dead relative.

Early in the morning the day after, I decided to go to the wake to see my long lost relative. As I expected nobody there present knew me nor did I recognized anyone familiar to me. I viewed the 95 year old dead woman but I couldn't in my deepest memory remember her.

I introduced myself and asked the daughter-in-law how I was related to the woman. From by my side answered another old woman who traced several family trees to end up how my mother was a very close relative of them. Stories about the dead woman and my also already dead mother were recalled and retold while everybody was interestingly listening. So, we were distant relative but that was not important.

My coming to the wake gave a lot of sunshine to the clan. I did not know that my presence could be that important to them. After giving my little donation, animated exchange of by-gone-days stories followed to the extreme interest of all present. My attendance to that wake was not in vain.

The place was not easy to reach. It took the tricycle that I hired three long turns and a short rough road before we finally reached the end where the house was located. Sometimes doing a little sacrifice can mean so much to some distant and almost forgotten relatives. I considered what I did as one of my offertory sacrifices this period of lent.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



My son while playing Tennis experienced a bad fall and had Colle’s fracture of the wrist. He was attended by a lady Hand Surgeon whom I chided: “Are you a left hand or a right hand surgeon?" She only responded with a hearty laugh. Specialization is now the game of the day and anybody who is not a specialist in his line of endeavor is generally left behind.

In a way it is a good sign of advancement but in the practical aspect of existence it only results into limitation outside one’s line of specialty. It is the reality of the dictum “Learning more and more about less and less” that in the long run it ends into a realization that the specialist learns everything about nothing.

That line of thought is of course an exaggeration though I actually experienced one incident when I observed a well known Cardiac Surgeon failed to correctly handled a case of multiple less serious physical injuries when their group met an accident on their way to the beach. It was easier for him to perform a by-pass operation than attend to a convulsing child.

Gone were the days when a General Medical Practitioner attended to all kinds of medical problems and quickly ease the apprehensions of the family concerned. This is true in other professions. There are Lawyers and Teachers who are specialist only in one particular aspect of their fields. As a result every service now turns very expensive and we are surprise that we are in crisis.

No wonder there are specializations even in herbal medicines and other supplements without approved therapeutic claims, yet, they are sold as specially and specifically effective for this and that complaints. This is going on left and right in full knowledge of all concerned.

It is not surprising to see groups of people mostly senior citizens trying to outdo one another in the number of pills they are taking and eventually in more number of pains and discomforts they are experiencing as a result of the side effects and bad after effects of the special drugs they are taking.

Nowadays when everyone who is someone is afflicted with Cancer, look at the number of specialists that suddenly appeared in the field of oncology. Look at the number of new special drugs and special approaches to the deadly C. Look at the number of people dying of it anyway after trying all the special offers. I insist that specialization leads to limitation and limitation leads to more specialization which in the end leads to bankruptcy and we are surprise why poverty abounds.

There are so many Financial Specialists and Super specialists all over the world. Can anybody blame me if I cannot understand why there is Global Financial Crisis?

Sunday, March 15, 2009



Colored smokes coming from live cigarettes. Different colors of smoke coming out from different brands. Every brand claiming its own beneficial effects. It is not impossible. Advance in technology is that mind boggling that nothing seems to be impossible.

It is accepted by all that that cigarette is carcinogenic. Many studies are being thoroughly conducted to counteract the carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoking. I can see through my futuristic eyes that one day a diligent researcher would discover an anti-cancer chemical which when mixed with tobacco shall produce colored smoke.

The discovery would generate greater interest in such a field of research that soon different brands of cigarettes shall be emitting different hues which shall become the new status symbol, a way to express one’s feelings or to display one’s emotions.

Royalties might be puffing cigarettes that emit blue color; Naughty jokers shall be interested in green colored smoke; lovers should be happier with pink; a jealous wife shall get away with yellow; or an angry man may show his rage with red smoke, and so on and so fort.

I won’t be surprised when a chemical producing a rainbow smoke shall finally be discovered that shall totally eliminate the carcinogens in cigarettes. And who knows? Time may come when cigarette smoking maybe enforce to everyone to prevent cancer of the lungs and all ill effects of cigarettes that we know now.

Can you imagine everyone smoking like everyone is texting now? Man and woman, young and old? Can you imagine an environment full of colored smoke as if it is Christmas time somewhere over the rainbows?

Yes, we can imagine that and what we can imagine can become.
Signs like “Smoking is good for your health” or “Please smoke and be healthy”. Yes, someday Cigarette smoking may turn out good.

Saturday, March 14, 2009



He was pretty small for his age of nine. At first look I thought he was not yet going to school and was there to follow the internet operator whom I thought was his sister.

Like me, the boy was there waiting for the opening of the Netcafe to play his favorite games. I got interested in him so while waiting I interviewed him casually. He reminded me of Santino, the smart boy of a current T.V. series.

He said he was the middle of the three siblings. I asked him why he was so early and he said because he wanted to be ahead of everybody since it was Saturday and many were surely coming to play video games. Asked who gave him the money for the game he said it was his own saving from his daily allowance.

Everyday he was given ten pesos by his mother for his recess snack but he save five pesos (half of the allowance) so he could play the video game comes Saturday. I joked that probably the reason why he was small was because he ate only half of his supposed snack daily. He just responded with a thrilled smile. He said his name was Francisco.

Like Francisco, many other children his age were using the same strategy to save money for the weekly game. Some even sacrifice 100% of their allowance just so they could enjoy fully the lure of the modern technology.

I was at the internet Café very early not to play the Video game like Francisco but just to catch up my children who were abroad so I could chat with them before they go to bed. Not so many people of my age were having a hobby like my own but it was to be expected since many adults were no longer interested in learning the new technology.

Back to the Francisco generation the new technology was introducing a massive change in their hobbies, in their values and in their behaviors in general. The gap between generations had gone wider that bonding between parents and children had become more difficult. Parents suddenly turned obsolete as children learned so fast and so quick about the new technologies. Many parents were left behind.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Summertime is here again and as ever it brings around many things: Scorching heat, dirty dust, multi-colored falling leaves and a lot of summer ailments from sore eyes to diarrhea and dehydration. Water supply is markedly diminished, grass disappears and the soil cracks everywhere.

Summer heat quickens flower withering as it also drives away many beautiful birds. Children get sick and adults feel irritated as even the appetite for food is almost gone and sleeping turns burdensome.

On the other end of the pole the seashore becomes too alive and too crowded. Everybody wishes to go to the beach. Colorful hammocks are hanged under trees while some kinds of new beetles and crickets suddenly appear to sing their unusual and uncommon lullabies.

Cacti bloom; blackberry fruits develop and grow big faster. Carpentry sounds are heard all around because this is the time to repair, expand or build new houses.

Summer carries with it both the good and the bad of life depending on how it affects ones attitude and existence. Summer actually is just a simple illustration of the global if not the universal cycle.

Summer is the Dry Season in our country. After this shall be back the Rainy Season with its storms and floods and typhoons plus the many calamities following its trail.

Let us enjoy this period now when there is less calamities although this is the most hazardous season for fires which could be prevented if we are only cautious and careful.

Rainy or Dry season, it is still the same. Night and day continues, good and evil prevails, life and death comes. Nothing seems to change as time goes-by. Oh yes, politicians and government officials are getting worse as well as some priests and some pastors.

Sunday, March 8, 2009



The heat of summer is beginning to be felt. Dust is everywhere and inhaling it always triggers in me an allergic reaction that keeps me coughing day and night. In front of the terrace where I am I could see the bloom of the Japanese bougainvillea fading and withering, the reason why the hummingbirds are away looking for sweeter nectar somewhere else.

Leaves of trees are calmly falling in multicolor while young ones are sprouting giving a baby-green fresh look to the dusty plants. Meanwhile I noticed that the ‘sampagita’ vines are blooming tremendously showing a white veil all over the top of the old wall where they are climbing.

The aging big cactus plant near the garden sink is also showing blooms of varied color from pale pink to yellow and red and dark purple. What used to be deeply colored birds of paradise blooms are now pale and looking thirsty because indeed they are.

Summer is a strong color changer. Gone are the morning birds happily chirping among the flowers. I wonder where they all go for their foods.

A day ago my wife and I were talking about our lives. She lamented that our lives were like the leaves falling from the mother tree. “But look”, I countered, “Even the falling leaf could remain very beautiful as it falls down”.

I was trying to emphasize to her the importance of growing old gracefully. Because I believe that even in old age what really counts is how you are remembered depending on the kind of image that you projected last.

Thursday, March 5, 2009



All of a sudden the whole town was covered with a blanket of darkness, at the beginning of the night yet, when everybody needed light. It was another unannounced power interruption. Something disastrous must have occurred somewhere.

The sky was also cloudy and the gloom of the early night was greatly felt everywhere. From my window only the non-twinkling pale light emitted by the planet Venus was visible.

During moments of darkness like it was now, things turn invisible. No TV to watch and the whole surrounding simply turned blurred. The visual power diminished, gave way to the seemingly improvement of the auditory sense. A few minutes ago I was unconsciously aware of the noise outside, now I was suddenly scandalized by the roaring sounds of the tricycles moving endlessly one after another along the road. The shouting and the laughter of the drivers and the passengers were now more deafening. Even the ringing in my ears was also magnified. The sound of darkness was very disturbing.

It was unfathomable during that time in the beginning when there was nothing but darkness. Thank God He said: “There must be light”… and there was light. The universe suddenly became visible. The awesome beauty of the heavenly bodies was shown.

When there was nothing yet but darkness there was really nothing, for darkness was nothing. Now, every time there was unannounced power interruption, we who were affected were suddenly brought back to that time when there was nothing but darkness. That time must be hell. But God, through His goodness, created light and ever since even during dark, dark nights we can still enjoy because it was during those time that the stars are brightest.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



Walking is the simple act of advancing by lifting one foot past the other alternately without running. So simple and so easy it is to do almost automatically or unconsciously, yet, it is one of the best ways to exercise to activate the muscles, the nerves and the blood circulation.

People who are almost always inside their cars are experiencing more pains and discomforts than those walking regularly. Pains and discomforts that are often too troublesome to bring the person to a doctor for check-up or to a hospital for confinement.

Generally neglected, walking is the easiest and the cheapest pathway to a better health especially for a senior citizen who cannot avail of more expensive if not more strenuous forms of exercise.

However, walking on an ordinary busy street nowadays is an extremely challenging act. Because there are so many moving vehicles and people as well, you try to walk on the very side of the road at the supposed "bangketa". Then you disgustingly discover so many irregularly parked trucks, cars, tricycles and motorcycles here and there plus other moving vendors' carts. You try to zigzag your way out just to meet frontally a bicycle-riding boy who is looking everywhere except where he is leading, which happens to be you.

Simple walking is no longer that simple. It becomes a very risky hobby that could bring about big accident or even death as it happens not very seldom. Walking has always been my hobby since childhood. My hobby that once brought me up to the high part of Mt. Banahaw where a wooden cross is planted. Same hobby that also brought me to a dead end of a lost street somewhere in Nigeria, Africa where the primitives were doing a kind of cooking ritual that I felt if I did not have a chance to get out I could have been one ingredient of one special recipe.