Wednesday, December 26, 2007


By: Jett E. Aviñante, M.D.

With the advent of the Cursillo Movement , many other movements of similar nature sprout all over the archipelago, most of them intended to regenerate the morality of the youth. Generally speaking, these youth movements are dramatically effective specially the reformatory changes which are very evidently felt. Yet, if one shall observe and follow these youth closely one shall realize the short-acting effects, the youth being fragile and changeable in many ways so that the latter results are sometimes even more discouraging. The reason for this is the lack of follow-up since most of these movements are not guaranteed by any total form of security.

With this problem in my mind, on May 28, 1968, I organized a experimental group composed of eighteen young boys and girls. I discussed with them the following conference-like procedure and I found it to be one very encouraging method of minimizing juvenile delinquency. This program consists of five parts which is usually done at night from 6:30 p.m.

Part I – The Inquiry Proper
A. Personalized opening prayer by a volunteer.
B. The Words of Life (usually chosen by the youth themselves and interpreted for them by the discusser of the day, an adult)
C. Life experiences (based on the Words of Life, presented by one assigned and one volunteer).
D. Supplementary remarks (by one assigned and one volunteer)
E. Meditation (performed by the discusser. The topic is one applicable or appealing to teen-agers, usually dealing with different virtues with emphasis on respect and obedience).
F. Observer’s view (usually by the sponsor for the occasion, a civic-minded citizen of the town)
G. Personalized closing prayer by a volunteer.
Part II – The Open Forum (The Discusser act also as the Moderator. The questions deal on anything ranging from a simple crush to infallibility of the Pope. This portion is limited to half hour.
Part III – The Jam session: Games, Puzzles, Jokes, Songs, Riddles, Show of Talent and what have you.
Part IV – Snacks offered by the Sponsor or Host of the Day.
Part V – Offertory Prayer – led by a volunteer for his intention.
The whole program last for a minimum of three hours, then the non-delinquent
juveniles go home with new insight, new friends, new jokes and a bundle of joy. .

Through these experiences the youth learns and enjoys at the same time. Their potentialities are stimulated and activated; hence they share with others their own intellectual, social, spiritual, moral and even physical capabilities. The style is quite contagious and appealing even to the parents and very encouraging to the delinquent groups – they just find themselves learning and enjoying with the QUERISTS.
The Inquiry is presented in different neighborhood precisely for the parents to see what their children are doing, and more so, to attract the youth in that vicinity. Within two weeks my experimental group composed of only eighteen, rapidly grew to sixty and the problem that follows is where to handle them because not all houses are big enough to accommodate everyone.
The next thing I did was try one Special Inquiry consisting of children and their parents. Can you imagine parents listening to their own children’s life experiences and children asking questions about their own parents who are present? Not only that, they play and sing together as if they are just friends.
To readers who may find this interesting to try in their own hometowns, some suggestions.
1. Have in possession one book of games and jokes.
2. Be ready to give away prices such as books, candies rosaries, cell
3. Be on the alert during the Open /Forum. They will ask you
4. Think of some tangible projects to keep them busy.
5. Don’t get tired. The more often you do it, the more they like.

Note: The Movement that I organized was very active until I got married when I needed to plan my own family. They, the Querists, didn’t want me anymore to continue so I could attend to my family plans. No one would take over as Moderator.