Thursday, September 18, 2014

OF ROOTS AND GROWTH Things in this world are interrelated. Like Life and Love as well as death. Like Root and Growth which could easily be interpreted with the help of the three Ss, the SEED, the SOWER and the SOIL. In truth we are all SOWERS of sort (planters of lessons, ideas, inspirations, etc.) We choose the best SEED to plant while at the same time we hope for a good harvest. That is, after first finding the best SOIL (the environment, the school, the company, the neighbors). There is interrelation too between roots and growth. It is very important first to be a good SOWER to plant the SEED to a well cultivated SOIL for the ROOTS to anchor strongly to be able to hold a good GROWTH, after all a good and beneficial growth is all we aim to achieve while we all try our best to pass all the trials and errors that we encounter on our journey through life.

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