Tuesday, December 15, 2009



The absence of the unique church bells was filled with the laud rendition of “Kampana ng Simbahan” but the usual brass band (the original tararadying potpot) goes around announcing to one and sundry about the new Night Mass.

It is a bit ironic because this refers to the “Misa de Gallo” which means Dawn Mass. For the first time this is being introduced by the New Parish Priest without canceling the traditional Dawn Mass at 4:30 a.m.

This is the anticipated “Simbang Gabi” in order to accommodate the increasing number of churchgoers during this season. Indeed the church is full. With its colorful and bright decorations anybody will definitely feel so good and so happy.

Much more so because it is not too cold, the whole weather is so kind and accommodating. Everyone feels comfortable. No one is sleepy and the usual early morning bad breath is not commonly encountered. However, thick, colorful sweaters and jackets are not yet too common as the weather is easily tolerable.

Artificial palm trees suddenly grew on both sides of the church, decorated with white lights and complete with shiny fruits. The atmosphere is very festive, you will forget even for a while, all your problems.

Out side the church I saw only one “puto” vendor as churchgoers are not used to “puto” snacks at night. It is interesting to anticipate going back to bed without having to wake up so early in a chilly dawn.

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