Monday, December 5, 2011



I would like to congratulate the efforts of the Alfonso Eco-Tourism Development Management, Inc. (AETDM), a private organization, for launching WELLNESS IS THE NEW ALFONSO, in cooperation with the Alfonso Municipal Government.

It is enigmatically termed SANGHIYANG FESTIVAL. A bold attempt to modernize, glamorize and even globalize a centuries old Thanksgiving Ritual known as ‘Sanghiyang’, believed to be an offshoot of the Thanksgiving Ritual performed by Noah’s family after they were saved from the Universal Deluge.

It is being introduced as “a state of Wellness attained when the mind, body, emotion and spirit are well and true acts of worship happens”.

I feel good that at last Alfonso has its own Festival that Alfonsinos everywhere could brag around as its own. Although I think massive information dissemination is necessary for all concerned to be aware of the new concept. As it is now even the original ‘magsasanghiyangs’ are confused and unable to comprehend what is going on.

It could be more relevant if the complete original Sanghiyang Ritual is reenacted in a grand scale with symbolic offerings of the different Baranggays at a giant ‘dulang’ with the usual crude ‘altares’ and participated by all the available ‘magsasanghiyangs’.

At any rate considering that this is the first attempt, much could yet be done to improve the Festival and again I thank the AETDM for the inspired effort.

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