Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ENIGMA OF AILMENTS Ailments, most of them are products of the mind. It could be a simple attention-getting device like asthma for example and not so commonly, whooping cough. A sever asthmatic attack easily gets the most attention. Yes, ailment could be a reason for international fame. All that is necessary is be afflicted with un uncommon health problem not curable in your own country. Travels to other countries would be needed to find a cure. Health problems could be an expression of guilt. Someone who has been negligent and irresponsible during his younger days needs painful ailments to punish himself while repenting for what he failed to do. More common are ailments to mask responsibility like a child that begins to feel stomach ache and actually vomits whenever there are examinations in class or an adult experiencing sudden attack of vertigo to avoid speaking engagement. For lack of any other good reason to be socially accepted, an incurable social climber develops a unique ailment unknown everywhere to make her the only person having a disease of that kind. That makes her so different from the rest. To neutralize for all the sufferings she experienced while rearing her children, a mother needs a somehow serious ailment that will need all the attention and the services of her children in return for all that she have done to them when they were young. Most of all an ailment could be a trophy for all his good performances. Look at that big scar that he incurred while performing a risky job to earn for the family. How about that fracture-dislocation he has been carrying since his younger days for saving a child from drowning. Come to think of it, most ailments are in the mind, products of the mind and could only properly be cured by the help of the mind. Yet, that mind-power is the power often neglected.

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