Thursday, January 17, 2008


We visited the Church of all Nations where “the Agony in the Garden” of Getsemane occurred 2,000 years ago. A more than 2000-year old olive tree still exists in the garden.

Then we climbed the Mount of Olives where we were shown many important landmarks of the ancient city of Jerusalem. Nearby was the chapel of the Ascension where the actual spot where Jesus stood before ascending to heaven still existed with His foot print.

We also visit ed the Pater Noster Church where Jesus taught His apostles how to pray and where they discussed the secrets of the universe. We were shown too the Dominus Flevit which marks the spot where the Lord wept for Jerusalem. Then shown to us was the place where Peter denied Jesus three times.

After lunch we where brought to a souvenir shop where suddenly the spirit of the pilgrimage was somehow diminished by business and materialism. This was in Bethlehem.

We proceeded to the Basilica of the Nativity. Nearby was the cave where Jesus Christ was born and not far away was the Shepherds’ Field where the angels appeared to the shepherds to herald the Birth of Jesus.

Before lunch we prayed at the Wailing Wall where Jews, Christians and the Ultra Orthodox Jews meet. I inserted a written wish on the crevice of the ancient wall.

Our guide, Ronnen taught us a lot about Ultra Orthodox Jews. They allow their beard and sideburns to grow. Even children are seen with very long sideburns. They all wear a hat or a cap. Tassels are also seen flowing from both sides of their suits and everything is based on some biblical texts. Come Sabbath Day, they don’t do anything but pray. They are not allowed to manipulate any mechanical device or anything that needs work no matter how little.

They ride only on automatic elevators usually hanged with a caution “Sabbath Elevator “. Even cameras are not allowed to be used or manipulated. Light switches at
home are automatic. Very weird, indeed.

There were so many Ultra Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem and one wonders if they are really weird or are they the ones doing the right thing?

You’ll see them in group or alone or with the family but anywhere and anyway you see t hem they all look very happy as if always going to a formal party, all wearing black and white. They don’t allow themselves to be photographed so I had myself photographed in front of them and t hey were pictures “accidentally”.

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