Thursday, January 17, 2008


I was just a high school boy when I first thought of having a “Trip to Jerusalem”. I couldn’t imagine how I would feel to be personally experiencing the places that are directly connected to Jesus Christ in one way or another. But all I experienced was the chance to join a musical chair game popularly called “Trip to Jerusalem”.

I d stop dreaming. Someday, I said to myself, my wish would be granted in the same manner that my wish to see Paris and Rome were grant ed in 1978 when I went to Nigeria as Cont r act Worker.

I got an abnormal route on my way to Nigeria that necessitated two-day stay in Paris. Then on my way home after six months I was stranded for two days in Rome due to air craft problem.

So I kept on wishing that Id’ also have a chance to visit the Holy Land.
Finally in October, 1995 I got the extreme excitement in my life when my wife and I joined a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We visited four countries, namely, Greece, Israel, Turkey and Italy. The itinerary was just as I wished it. At long last, I had the chance of a lifetime to follow the footsteps of Jesus where it actually happened two thousand years ago.

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