Thursday, August 5, 2010



Minus early death, aging is a reality that every individual has to experience or realize either happily or horribly.

Many people, especially women do not want to get old. They do everything, from acting young to applying rejuvenating cosmetics or surgical interventions to the point of changing completely their God-given appearance.

They want to look young and force themselves to feel young no matter if in the course they look like retardates or mannequins with permanent smiles and eyebrows.

Next to fear of death is fear of growing old, yet anybody who needs to live a full life cannot escape aging. We might as well prepare for it.

In attempts to keep young at least in appearance, many get lost in the wilderness of cosmetology and worse than getting old normally they most of the time remain horribly young.

The technique for graceful aging is to find the pathway to the Fountain of Youth by following a certain habit formula.

F-ind joy everyday,anywhere. If you are resourceful enough there are so
many sources of joy available all around you wherever you are.
O-bserve things around you and be curious about them. There are a lot of
interesting things happening that you fail to notice everyday.
U-nite with lively people. If you only meet "your kind", you will only end up
comparing notes about your problems, disappointments and ailments.
N-urture your health by eating the right food, doing the right exercise and
maintaining a good mental attitude in life.
T-hink positive. No matter how unfortunate you think you are, there are
others more unfortunate than you. Always look at the better side of
A-lways look forward and upward. The past is gone and must be buried
with the past. Don't be a slave of your past misfortunes.
I-nsist on the true, the good and the beautiful. Your opinion and attitude
about anything help in seeing the reality about them.
N-ever think old. Age is only a quality of the mind. You are only as old as
you think. Age doesn't matter if matter doesn't age.

O-bey the Laws of Nature. Live in moderation.
F-ind something different to do every now and then. Don't live in boredom.

Y-earn to learn again. There are always new things to know. Look for
O-pen your mind always. A closed mind is a dead mind.
U-se your common sense which unfortunately is now very uncommon.
T-ry your sense of play. There are always interesting games for you.
H-ave a good sense of humor. Laugh at yourself and make other's laugh
with you.

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