Saturday, June 11, 2011



How long is a moment and how far can it go? The dictionary says a moment is a very brief space of time or simply an instant like what we usually consider a spur of the moment, But a moment could also be as long as the moment of great celebration like the momentous Edsa People’s Power Revolution

What is more interesting are the ’senior moments’ generally exhibited by, well, senior citizens… To begin with, senior moments mean many things. It is the time when a senior suddenly experience lapses of memory- when he is not sure whether he is coming or going. It is the moment when he forgets what he did a few minutes ago but remembers to the smallest detail what took place during the Japanese War.

It is interesting because it is the occasion when he starts looking for a comb or a key that he is tightly holding with his hands. It is even more interesting and entertaining when he buys something, forgets to pay then ask for the change.

Senior moments are significant inventories of what a person considers truly valuable to him like the experiences and people who are deeply imbedded in the deepest corners of his memories. Youngsters find this moment funny if not irritating.

Yes, senior moments are sometime useless pieces of information heard over and over again. But come to think of it, why are those moments surfacing every now and then? What makes an incident specially memorable while others are greatly insignificant? What happens to the mind of a senior citizen that makes it behave that way?

A moment is considered but an instant just like a flash of light or spark of anything but when referring to senior moments it could be a long story of epic proportion whether you are rich and influential person suffering from “Alsheimer’s Disease” are a neglected somebody afflicted by “senile dementia”.

When your time comes, what would you like to be doing and repeatedly expressing during your own senior moments? What about me, what do I expect? Well I hope I wont experience such moment because every morning I do Oil Pulling Therapy on waking up and before retiring while in between I drink 6 to7 cups of unsweetened brewed coffee.Most of all everyday. through the internet, I am showered with stimulating youthful ideas and constantly challenged by their 'modern' queries.

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