Sunday, December 9, 2012

GRAND SANGHIYANG FESTIVAL 2012 I like it, to begin with, all because for the first time it was intentionally presented for its true meaning – A Thanksgiving. Immediately I want to congratulate the Alfonso Council of Tourism for bringing out a truly relevant celebration for the town of Alfonso. The First Day was instantly impressive with all the Municipal Officials and Employees parading in colorful uniforms. However, since it was supposed to be a Parangal ( not Papuri) to PIRITAY who was known in Alfonso as the Fairy protecting the environment, always wearing red attire whether she appeared as an old woman, a beautiful lady or a pretty little girl. It would have been more symbolic and appropriate if all the participants wore red attire in different designs and presentations. Pritiya’s float should have been the grandest since she was the honoree and the little Piriritays all wearing red too. Her Alagad, KURINGO, who was capable of appearing as human or animal and could multiply itself, according to the legend, in any number could have participated as several costumed animals. The floats of Ginang Sanghiyang candidates needed more improvement with simplicity and symbolisms. Participation of Cut Flower Farms was not felt by the community. It could have added more color and freshness to the celebration. The Tingkoraw Art Exhibits could be filled with more antique collections and should be labeled properly, while KAINANG BAYAN was totally missed by many. KAUNAN rites with its conceptualized HARANA wasn’t corrected by a hurriedly built tent acting as the grandstand. Day 2, the Street Dancing Competition was somehow disappointing. I was expecting a colorful costumed-flowers and vegetable dancers showing the environmental products of Alfonso’s farms and backyards but instead, onlookers were treated with the usual colorful and jumpy painted tribes not found anywhere in Alfonso since time immemorial. The actual Sanghiyang Ritual of Thanksgiving was touchy enough but the lack of Temple Altar and proper offerings on the Dulang was not given emphasis as the Sayaw sa Apoy. But anyway Alfonseños enjoyed enough and that was worth it all. I did not have a chance to watch the Gng. Sanghiyang coronation night. But I was told by someone who attended that it was in fact a grand memorable Pageantry. I give the whole event and average grade of 70%. There were defects that are manageable and could easily be corrected. Mabuhay kayong lahat.

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