Monday, October 6, 2014

THE LANGUAGE OF ‘SENIORSHIP’ As time goes by, life continues and likewise the Aging process cannot be left behind. Everything changes so fast as even the Language of ‘Seniorship’ finds new meanings. A senior citizen may claim he is dizzy when actually he is only seeing blurred due to cataract formation. He may complain of wrong messages sent to him when in fact, he is getting more deaf every day. A Senior Citizen may complain of losing items including those he just hidden somewhere. He gets mad not sure whether he is going up or going down while in the middle of a long stairs. Senior Citizens are indeed funny. There are those who won’t use their Senior cards as their status are discovered by all. They claim they are not afraid to die but get nervous just hearing about people of their ages dying left and right. Most Seniors are happy and proud about the many pills that they are taking every day but claim they are not sick and are only taking maintenance medicines for prevention of any attack. You will never realize what makes Seniors interesting unless and until you reach that amazing age of greatness and wisdom. A Senior citizen thinks he knows all the answers to all the question but he is sad when no one dares to ask him any question. Senior citizens don’t forget interesting past experiences but fails to remember even a bit of the recent ones. Most seniors don’t believe in Second Childhood although most of them act worse than one.

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