Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Eighty, Period Turning eighty is like entering a bumpy road. Everything is seemingly a bonus, yet, everything is uncertain too. Any road for a senior citizen is bumpy that is why there is a need for a walking stick. The road maybe straight but one is walking on uneven surface. Your vision maybe accurate but everything else around is blurry and cloudy. The hearing begins to fail as it is difficult to decipher what is being said even if you smile and pretend you hear it clearly. The mind maybe getting sharper and the wisdom is greatly heightened but what is the use knowing all the answers when no one cares to ask you any question anymore. Octogenarians need less entertainment and is tired of current events. They find it more interesting to hear more about achievements of their children and grandchildren. Prelude to Second Childhood. It is fun to live, yes, but one must be ready to welcome Alzheimer, Parkinson and of course Hypertension and Heart Ailments plus a lot of killer diseases. Drinking a minimum of seven cups of unsweetened brewed coffee prevents most of the “octo” ailments but even without any ailment you know you are getting closer to the end of your travel. You might as well enjoy the rest of what remains.

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