Friday, June 15, 2007

AILMENTS (Secondary Gains)

There are reasons why there are ailments. Some are easily detected by the laboratories but deep within the ailments are the psychological reasons that materialize because of some secondary gains by the patients:

A-ttention-getting device like asthma and whooping cough

I-nternational fame like when the ailment brings the patient internationally to find
L-ashing at self or a kind of self flagellation due to guilt brought by previous
M-ask of responsibility such as vomiting before a task or sudden headache before
E-qulizer like heart problems by a mother to get even with the children who are
N-eutralizer to satisfy one's ego

T-rophy like burns and bruises by a busy housewife.

85% of Ailments are for secondary gains and are therefore all in the mind

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