Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Fountain of Youth

F-ind joy everyday, anywhere. If you are resourceful enough there are so many sources
of joy available all around you wherever you are.
O-bserve things around you and be curious about them. There are a lot of interesting
things happening that you fail to notice everyday.
U-nite with lively people. If you only meet "your kind", you will only end up
comparing notes about your problems, disappointments and ailments.

N-urture your health by eating the right food, doing the right exercise and
maintaining a good mental attitude in life.
T-hink positive. No matter how unfortunate you think you are, there are others more
unfortunate than you. Always look at the better side of anything.
A-lways look forward and upward. The past is gone and must be buried with the past.
Don't be a slave of your past misfortunes.
I-nsist on the true, the good and the beautiful. Your opinion and attitude about
anything help in seeing the reality about them.
N-ever think old. Age is only a quality of the mind. You are only as old as you
think. Age doesn't matter if matter doesn't age.

O-bey the Laws of Nature. Lived in moderation.
F-ind something different to do every now and then. Don't live in boredom.

Y-earn to learn again. There are always new things to know. Look for them.
O-pen your mind always. A closed mind is a dead mind.
U-se your common sense which unfortunately is now very uncommon.
T-ry your sense of play. There are always interesting games for you.
H-ave a good sense of humor. Laugh at yourself and make other's laugh with you.

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