Sunday, June 21, 2009



Last Sunday, June 14, 2009, second Sunday of June, our Parish Priest, after the mass announced and greeted Happy Fathers Day to all concerned. Some newspapers also showed commercials on Father’s Day as some friends and relatives also sent to me text greetings.

All the while I knew that Father’s Day would be June 21st yet which falls on the 3rd Sunday of June. The confusion that happens yearly was probably caused by the fact that Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May and many thought that Father’s Day was also a second Sunday.

Came true Father’s Day, June 21st didn’t surprise me that there were only few greeters although I was expecting my wife to invite me to eat outside to celebrate my especial day. But as usual she was too busy attending to her ‘farm’ with the helpers so that I was left alone in the house to eat “bahaw” (cold rice) and salted egg with tomatoes.

Only two of my children and a son-in-law greeted me but I was not complaining because I was fully aware of the prevailing confusion. So, left alone with only my echo, may shadow and me, I felt a kind of loneliness creeping throughout my being; the lonesome feeling that was always a constant twin companion of the aging process.

I couldn’t help but think of the by-gone days, the happy moments and the memorable events. I was completely engulfed by nostalgic incidents that I found myself traveling joyfully in the past. It was a thrilling trip through the time tunnel that showed me clear pictures of happy days. After all I didn’t need a formal invitation from anybody to enjoy the occasion. It was all in my power to go anywhere I wanted to visit to experience again especial occasions that brought me excitements long before I became a father.

My mind was still so fertile and so healthy that I could still make a choice to enjoy my day. This was possibly an off shoot of the Father’s Day confusion but who cares; I was still immensely enjoying it when three high school students came by requesting my help with their assignments. One of them was my boy helper who was able to finish high school with the TESDA help. Unable to pursue a collage education he was again applying to help me with my daily chores. It was ironic that while all my children were everywhere except by my side this day, these children by other fathers were here seeking my fatherly help.

1 comment:

summer rain said...

Which is which? However,such occasion must be celebrated throughout the year and not for a certain day.