Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise


She first intended to surprise everyone, because my middle daughter is fond of surprising us every now and then. But this time her parents-in-law are visiting their family in Canada so she decided to divulge the secret before they come.

She is five months pregnant with a baby boy. It is in fact a most pleasant surprise. Her elder daughter is three while her younger is about two years old. She is afraid that her in-laws might get ballistic when told the secret.

But I am sure it would be the other way around. Instead of getting ballistic, her in-laws would surely be over excited about their first coming grandson. A first grandson is always greatly awaited by grandparents.

In my case he would be my second grandson but my excitement is not in anyway diminished. It makes me feel so good that I would have two grandsons and six grand daughters. That is quite a wide range of projection. Instead of feeling old I feel even newly rejuvenated. I happily anticipate the moment when I can play with them. I am afraid I will no longer be acceptable to them as the generation, cultural and geographical gaps are already so wide but whatever… I just feel terribly happy

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