Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Rule of Three in a Relationship

A. Three fragile periods in marriage:

1.Period of adjustment- first to second year.2.Period of boredom- third to fourth year.
3.Period of Compatibility- fifth to sixth year.

B. Three DON'Ts in constructive quarreling:

1.Don't insult each other.
2.Don't review past quarrels.
3.Don't change the issue.
C. Three NOTs in discussing problems:

1.Not on waking up.
2.Not on arrival.
3.Not in public.

D. Three T's in Good Relationship:

1.Time for each other.
2.Touch each other
3.Talk to each other.

E. Three main causes of marital disharmony:

2.Emotional immaturity.
3.Sexual incompatibility.

F. Three things to do in case of infidelity:

1.Ask yourself why.
2.Confront erring spouse.
3.Do what is best.

G. Three rules to keep a man: give him sense of

1.Authority through Trust.
2.Strength through Acceptance.
3.Achievement through Appreciation.

H. Three rules to keep a woman: give her sense of

1.Caring through Flattery.
2.Understanding through Listening.
3.Love through Respect.

I. Compatibility test:

1.Understanding the needs of partner.
2.Capability to satisfy partner's needs.
3.Willingness to satisfy partner's needs.

J. Three possible solutions to problems:

1.Change the situation.
2.Change the other person.
3.Change your attitude and opinion.

K. Three A's that support any meaningful person to person association:


L. Three demands of marriage:


M. Three R's for marital harmony:


N. Three natural flow of communal process:

1.Leaving or breaking away original ties with parents.
2.Cleaving by liking, sharing and serving.
3.Becoming one flesh.

O. Three needs of an emotionally healthy person:

1.Physical health.

P. Three reminders for things to happen:

1.Desire that it happen.
2.Believe that it can happen.
3.Expect it to happen.

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