Tuesday, May 29, 2007

True Love

T-rust: the most important ingredient. That is why love is symbolized by a heart. If there is trust there are no heartaches.

R-aw or fresh: that is why love is represented by a fresh flower, usually a red rose.

U-nlimited: love must continue on and on like a wedding ring that has no end.

E-rotic: without sex, love is dead. A healthy sex is the food of love that makes it survive.

L-ongevity: the staying power as symbolized by the youthfulness of Cupid, the god of love.

O-penness or truthfulness: as represented by the bold nakedness of Cupid.

V-alor or courage: to face the many challenges of life. Note how Cupid always carries his bow and arrow.

E-ternal or everlasting: for love must not die if it is based on trust, always fresh, unlimited, erotic, truthful and courageous.

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