Friday, May 9, 2008

KNOCKINGS !!! Who is there?


They were awakened by loud knockings at the door. It was around 1 a.m. They didn’t open the door, pretended that they were sleeping deeply. The knockings were repeated thrice. No voice was heard and nothing very unusual happened after that.

My helpers reported to me the following morning about the ominous knockings at their shelter that night. If it was a robber or a murderer or just anybody with bad intention, knocking would have been prevented. They would have just looked for any opening where they could have entered inconspicuously. If they were companions in need of help, voices should have been heard and they should have come earlier. Was it the knocking of someone out of his mind? But our gate was closed. The intruders must use the unfenced backyard to penetrate the garden. Someone out of his mind couldn’t think of such strategy.

Who made the knockings then? Search me but I honestly have no ready explanation. That morning an iron bar about three feet long was found in the vicinity. Was it the intruder’s tool intended to harm my helpers? But why did he have to leave it there?

He couldn’t be that stupid if he was brave enough to do what he did in the darkness of the night. Or perhaps that bar has been there all the time lying unnoticed.

It must be my sister (her ghost) who died recently, ventured my wife: A ghost knocking? And why at 1 a.m.? It was a more confusing theory… but still there must be a convincing explanation.

At the nearby school the securities have experienced several incidents of men entering the premises but they were found to be junk-buyers looking and searching among garbage files for their treasures. We don’t expect them to visit us at midnight, much more do loud knockings.

Anyway I just advised my helpers that should something similar happens they could text me and from my bedroom I could quickly open the floodlight to the garden. By the way, was it coincidental that my sensor light was suddenly out of order and wouldn’t light?

Times are uncertain. The best way to prevent unwanted incidents is to be always vigilant. Most ghost incidents were caused by the living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice story Doc.. It really reminds me about some eerie story back when I was a kid...