Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Had Women’s Liberation been a vogue during her time, she would have been not only one of the advocates but a leader. Yes, she was a leader in her own way and a very efficient guidance counselor.

She could have been convinced to practice birth control had it been popular during her time and I wouldn’t have come out of this world as I am the youngest among her brood of ten.

Yet, she too, was a liberator with her own unique style during her own troubled time. That was why she was the most sought-after as adviser of quarreling couples and as effective match-maker too.

She was a very hard working woman with deep insights in life that she carefully expressed during moments of negotiations, whether in business transactions or any reconciliatory moves.

Her favorite dictum to quarreling persons: “You are both wrong and defective; if one of you is OK he will understand and forgive the one who is wrong”. A very good starter indeed in any amicable settlement. No one will accept that he is not OK.
She knew very little about big things and events but was so big with regards to trivial matters. A big portion of her life was spent for little people with little life.

When she was seventy-two years old, a group of medical specialists gave her only three months to live for a non-functioning gall-bladder and other debilitating health problems. I took over and she gained additional 15 years. To me that was a great achievement, for after all not every child is given a chance to take care of his mother.

Her quotations were my daily inspirations and guiding principles in life. Her prayers were simple but forceful.

When she died I thanked all those who came to join the “thanksgiving mass” for her peaceful return to the Lord. I mentioned that in life, my mother worked so hard and was already tired. It was only proper that she be allowed Eternal rest which she very much deserved. MY MOTHER, DOMINGA ESPINELI-AVIÑANTE. Belated Happy Mother's Day!

From the book TINGKORAW: Alfonso's History and Legend by jett e. avinante, m.d.

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