Sunday, November 9, 2008



Black, I insist, is beautiful but someone commented that though it is beautiful it symbolizes darkness. We always associate darkness with evil or something negative since it is actually the absence of light but let us not forget that it is only during dark, dark night that we can really appreciate the stars.

Darkness is signified by black which scientifically is the absence of all colors. When all colors are gone we see nothing and when we see nothing we, literally is groping in the dark. However, it is when we see nothing that our creative minds see beautiful color-combinations in its full grandeur.

Love is the positive emotional counterpart of Light or of all the colors that combined to create white. White on the other hand is the presence of all colors. When all colors are active there is more glare that is why we speak of ‘blinding bright ness’ if not ‘whit e lies’.

Come to think of it… White represents Light and Light symbolizes Love but what happens when love is lost? What positive thing can we do in blackness or in the midst of the Dark? If Love is not enough, let us make use of Hate (or black or dark).

We are against Terrorism, let us hate the Terrorist. We oppose Drug Addiction; let us hate the Drug Addicts. We are afraid of ailments, let us hate diseases. These are only some of the negative realities that we have to face in life. By hating what we cannot love we create a double negative that turns thing to positive.

As I mentioned in the beginning, black is beautiful, darkness is challenging, hatred is sometimes necessary in order to convert nothing into something and from that something all good things may eventually come out.

We need the darkness of the night to appreciate and understand fully the twinkling of the stars. Who knows? In the huge black hole, billions of light years in diameter, existing in the vast universe among galaxies and quasars may yet lie hidden the most significant mystery that God reserves for us to discover…


Anonymous said...

What good are the stars, when eventually it would wane it's light and in desperation, one will realize that he's going back to where he started. The cave of darkness. Dim and scary. How could one think of positive things when in the midst of uncertainty.
Be practical. Mathematical equations are real only in books but not in tangible areas.
I appreciate people like you who has that strong positive intensity. You have already boarded the bus and ready to step down later. But for me and more others, were still at the station waiting for our trip.

"At a distance, a bearded man was sighted wearing totally in white . He's sweating rapidly just like the other travellers. One passenger noticed a black spot on his coat."

"WHITEness of his suit was unnoticed but rather what tainted it?.....

Unknown said...

i always love to hear from you..
u know, u'r like an angel, i dont know if u r...hehehe

u're positive insights about things in life at least decatalyze my very pessimist mind, thus in a little way it is becoming balanced.

i just want to say that in darkness there is goodness indeed. my life, although in darkness, still has beauty in itself, which i appreciate...though this beauty is not enough to cure the agony within me. just like what rem said:

" What good are the stars, when eventually it would wane it's light and in desperation, one will realize that he's going back to where he started. The cave of darkness. Dim and scary. How could one think of positive things when in the midst of uncertainty."

"WHITEness of his suit was unnoticed but rather what tainted it?....."

BTW, let me tell u that u r in your own little way, and unconscious effort, helping me to be better.