Tuesday, February 10, 2009


To be sure we would make a mutual decision, my wife and I decided to scout for a Valentine date venue. We limited our search to the scenic Tagaytay area. As it turned out most of the Fine Eateries were already fully booked.

We were about to give up when we thought of the Country Suite recommended by our son-in-law. Our request for reservation was granted but not for dinner as it was also fully booked. We settled for a luncheon date hoping that it would also be thrillingly romantic.

when the man on the desk inquired how many we were reserving for I answered "only the two of us". He looked at us alternately then giggly whispered "How sweet naman". I proudly told him that our relationship was indeed "very sweet" though it only started as a whirlwind wedding following a 45 minute courtship.

Yes, many predicted that our relationship won't last six months but that public condemnation turned out to be the great challenge that made our love for each other stronger, sweeter and more relevant.

That was thirty nine years ago graced with five healthy children, five intelligent, kind, loving and dignified children-in-law and seven grandchildren all healthy, happy and promising.

Observing how successful and contented our family turned out, many people were asking what our secret was. I always answered there was no secret. We just applied the most important and most powerful but most forgotten energy that kept a relationship strong and intact.

I was talking about the strong power of need. Every person had his own unique need and the force of needs affected our opinion, attitude and viewpoint. Consider our natural needs such as air to breath, water to drink, ground to walk on.We don't even think of them until we are in a situation deprived of them. We have essential needs like food, warmth, security.

Some especial needs we also consider such as sexual fulfilment, procreation and sense of self esteem. Most of all we analyzed our daily changing needs such as activity, money, recreation, work and vocation.

This most neglected, but I say, the strongest power of need was actually the most powerful bind that kept the relationship strong.

My wife and I can now proudly tell everyone that our surprising compatibility was based mainly on the fact that we knew each other's needs, we were capable of filling them and most of all we were both willing to fill those needs.

We discovered that filling each other's needs was the mysterious power that kept our love blooming. If the need of the moment was a simple luncheon Valentine Date, we gave it.

1 comment:

summer rain said...

I admire couples like you who filled the vacuum of emptiness mutually. Very much worthy of emulation. In contrast to "others" who found it in another venue.