Tuesday, March 17, 2009



My son while playing Tennis experienced a bad fall and had Colle’s fracture of the wrist. He was attended by a lady Hand Surgeon whom I chided: “Are you a left hand or a right hand surgeon?" She only responded with a hearty laugh. Specialization is now the game of the day and anybody who is not a specialist in his line of endeavor is generally left behind.

In a way it is a good sign of advancement but in the practical aspect of existence it only results into limitation outside one’s line of specialty. It is the reality of the dictum “Learning more and more about less and less” that in the long run it ends into a realization that the specialist learns everything about nothing.

That line of thought is of course an exaggeration though I actually experienced one incident when I observed a well known Cardiac Surgeon failed to correctly handled a case of multiple less serious physical injuries when their group met an accident on their way to the beach. It was easier for him to perform a by-pass operation than attend to a convulsing child.

Gone were the days when a General Medical Practitioner attended to all kinds of medical problems and quickly ease the apprehensions of the family concerned. This is true in other professions. There are Lawyers and Teachers who are specialist only in one particular aspect of their fields. As a result every service now turns very expensive and we are surprise that we are in crisis.

No wonder there are specializations even in herbal medicines and other supplements without approved therapeutic claims, yet, they are sold as specially and specifically effective for this and that complaints. This is going on left and right in full knowledge of all concerned.

It is not surprising to see groups of people mostly senior citizens trying to outdo one another in the number of pills they are taking and eventually in more number of pains and discomforts they are experiencing as a result of the side effects and bad after effects of the special drugs they are taking.

Nowadays when everyone who is someone is afflicted with Cancer, look at the number of specialists that suddenly appeared in the field of oncology. Look at the number of new special drugs and special approaches to the deadly C. Look at the number of people dying of it anyway after trying all the special offers. I insist that specialization leads to limitation and limitation leads to more specialization which in the end leads to bankruptcy and we are surprise why poverty abounds.

There are so many Financial Specialists and Super specialists all over the world. Can anybody blame me if I cannot understand why there is Global Financial Crisis?

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