Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I was I new medical graduate when this incident happened. Another woman died; she did not die alone for she was in full term pregnancy and was about to deliver the baby who also died a few minutes following the mother. Both mother and child could have been saved, but ignorance and negligence killed them.

I knew the case because I was called to attend to them. She was already dead when I arrived, in fact she was already dead when someone decided to call a doctor. She died abruptly according to the informant, a quack midwife (hilot), after complaining of severe epigastric pain with radiation at the back accompanied by vomiting of "very yellow" fluid. Further informations revealed that the woman have been yellow all over since about two weeks ago but no one cared to call a doctor as she was up and about with her daily activities. With the data given I presumed that the cause of sudden death could be rupture of the gall bladder. She could have been saved had she decided to call a doctor earlier, the child too, could have been saved even after the death of the mother if someone smart enough only played his role and gave his share. There were hundreds of people around when I came. Most of them looked smart and everybody was hurrying. A woman (the one who called me) was forcing me to give all the injections I could to bring back the life of the already rigid Madonna and Child.

The above incident is not uncommon. Many lives could have been saved if only someone informed enough in the community of uninformed should take the courage to explain what he knew.

There are very few persons with determination to share his knowledge with others and if this will go on, society will go to the dogs.

People have gone to the moon and they will not stop until they unveil the mystery of the outer space but even if they become successful in all their ventures; even if they are able to count the number of stars in the galaxy, as long as there is someone in this planet earth who still believe that the earth is flat, all is in vain. The important thing is not what you are doing, no matter how fantastic, but what you fail to do.

Going back to the woman who died: she was buried extravagantly, the funeral procedures were all first class, many joined the funeral parade, much money was spent; yet, if even just one tenth of the amount spent for the burial was spent for the consultation at the appearance of the yellowish discoloration, she could have been saved. But that time, she had no money. It took one's life to realize everything.

I agree with him who said: "It is not the things you do dear, it is the things you leave undone... that gives you a bit of heartache at the setting of the sun".

Sins of omission happens left and right. At the Last Judgment, God's questions will be few and simple but only few could truly answer "yes, my Lord". Did you feed the hungry? Did you give drink to the thirsty? Did you clothe the naked? Did you visit those in prison? Did you shelter the homeless? Did you visit the sick and bury the dead? Did you admonish the sinner? Did you instruct the ignorant? Did you counsel the doubtful? Did you comfort the sorrowful? Did you bear wrongs patiently? Did you forgive all injuries? Did you pray for the living and the dead?

Yes, God will not ask the number of craters in the moon nor the number of hearts transplanted. He will not ask senseless questions. He will only ask what you did to the least of His brethren, things most people failed to do. Sins of omission...

Let us therefore stop elbowing against one another for things unknown. That is plain nonsense. Let us just look at our brethren; let us find the least of them, for in them we shall see Christ portion by portion and only through that way shall we really see Him face to face.

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