Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a Beautiful Morning

Last night I slept at around 10:00 O'clock p.m. when the flower of the goose-neck cactus was in full bloom spreading its scent all over my terrace of merriment.

Now I know it is around 4 O'clock in the morning. Many roosters are crowing while the hens are screaming around. A symphony of sounds is heard together with those of other night birds also rejoicing.

From my room only one panel of my window pane is half open. If I open all panels it would be too cold and too windy for my health.

From that half-opened panel I could see the brightness of the morning star on top of the swaying palms of the proud coconut tree. The bright morning star is very, very slowly moving downwards as if fetching the sunrise.

I thank God for the beautiful day. I whispered a morning prayer while preparing myself for another interesting and fruitful day.

Before I realized it, the golden sunrise dominated the brightness of the morning star that quietly went away. What a beautiful morning!

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