Tuesday, April 8, 2008



After having entered more than 400 blogs, I believe I have casually said most of what I wanted to say. In order not to bore my readers to death for my corny and monotonous comments in my blog spot I decided to slow down a little. I shall not be blogging regularly unless something terrifically important happens that I must share to everyone.

All the time that I was regularly blogging I have always tried to be positive in my approach. I have always propagated hope and optimism to the point of extracting them from the darkness of a pessimistic corner, all ideas and opinions that I tried to carefully convert into the brighter end of the pole.

As exponent of love I tried t o propagate its essence everywhere in various ways that it could be explained, though it seems next to impossible to impose the idea of love so easily. That is why I discovered that it is also important to introduce the other aspects of love in some important moments, no matter how paradoxical it appears.

We cannot fully love the light so let us hate the darkness instead. It is paradoxical but by hating the darkness light seems to appear immediately. Let us hate the evil and suddenly good is available. Let us hate the bad man and he is quickly stripped of his outside covering thus exposing the good in him.

Let us therefore hate all things that are negative. That way we convert everything negative into positive. Hating could also be a hobby by consistently hating the darkness we continuously discover new sources of light that could brighten our ways and dispositions.

I think more than 400 blogs are already enough to convey 400 positive ideas that one could pick anytime… as needs arise.

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