Friday, April 4, 2008



Experiencing heavy rains during summertime is something worth remembering. I expected the day to be very hot as it was during the previous days. But just minutes after the scorching heat a heavy downpour of rain came suddenly. The ground must be very thirsty that in a moment the thick rainfall was absorbed completely.

That night a fairy’s wand must have done its magic all over the place. The following day, sprouts of green grass appeared from nowhere. The cactus in front of the terrace bloomed, the ‘dried’ Alibangbang showed green fresh leaves while the mango tree exhibited a tricolor of dark green old leaves mingling with the younger light green-yellow ones plus brownish yellow newly sprouted leaves with some tiny white blooms alternating . The Doña Luz leaves were also beginning to appear and the giant San Francisco shrubs proudly swayed in multi-colored joy.

Rainy days must be coming soon. My garden shall be dressed anew with healthy freshness. Appetite for food shall be stimulated as food shall be more palatable and enjoyable to eat. Dust shall disappear and moods shall be calmed.

I prayed and hoped that the rainy days shall stimulate the growth of unity in the garden of this greatly divided nation. Cory’s Colon Cancer somehow bought about a kind of news that for a while kept everyone Cool, Calm, and Collected. The 3 C’s must be doing magic to the Filipinos. Consultation, Coordination and Cooperation could yet save our country from Criminality, Corruption and Condemnation by other countries.

Christianity Can Control the situation if Christians Can Connive together. Let us all Concentrate and Correlate our Consciences. We are one Color with one Cause for our Country. Let us all welcome the rainy season with 3 C’s. Let us all be Careful with our Capability and Credibility.

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