Saturday, December 10, 2011


Wellness is the New Alfonso
(My unsolicited review and suggestions)

The Alfonso Eco-Tourism Development Management, Inc. (AETDM) in cooperation with the Municipal Government of Alfonso, Cavite deserves a Grand Salute for valorously introducing a welcome change to a small lethargically slumbering little town by ’spearheading, rebranding and launching of Wellness is the New Alfonso’.

In connection with this a new Festival is born: The Sanghiyang Festival which evolves from a centuries old ritual of Thanksgiving believed to emanate from the thanksgiving ritual performed by the family of Noah after they were saved from the Universal Deluge. This concept of converting Sanghiyang, the thanksgiving ritual, into a state of wellness is a brilliant idea except that it somehow jeopardizes one of Alfonso’s historical heritages.

The original thanksgiving ritual (sanghiyang) is performed during the month of January to acknowledge all the gifts, graces and benefits that God showers the Alfonsinos.To make the Festival historically relevant I suggest, if it is possible, to do it during the month of January and include a Grand Sanghiyang complete with all the trimmings of the original with the symbolic offerings of all the Baranggays and interested families plus the participation of all available “magsasanghiyangs”. It would be a novel idea to juxtapose Food Festival and Grand Sanghiyang for a powerful message of wellness and thanksgiving.

While Caracol and Rigodon are both beautiful and colorful dances they are not part of Alfonso’s culture. Caracol is a seashore festival of the lowlands while Rigodon is a welcome dance of the Aristocrats. They may not be included next time as there are many dances of the tagalog region more appropriate for Alfonso like ‘Maligayang Pagdating’.

I did not have a chance to observe all the presentations but the “Parada ng Kaganapan” was the most relevant as it was a display of Alfonso’s beauties
showing local products together with their handsome counterparts.

Because Alfonso is considered the Flower Center of Cavite I think it would be wise to invite all the cut flower farms in town to put up a garden show for the whole month of January as they also share more participation. It is not too much to require all public vehicles to hang simple flower arrangement during the festival week to be provided by the organizers. Establishments should also be requested to put up floral decorations.

In spite of the noise, the pomp, color and revelry of the running and jumping tribes I cannot see any connection of their dancing either with wellness or thanksgiving. There simply are no tribes in Alfonso. A vegetable and flower-costumed dancers could be more colorful and truly significant to the life of the Alfonsinos.

For the sake of euphony let us call people from Alfonso, Alfonsinos and Alfonsinas. We don’t call people from Batangas Batangenians or from Bulacan Bulacanians.

I believe that the whole activities could be could be compressed to only four days without idle moments instead of one week with many periods of lull.

With all the birth pains incurred by the organizers they all did a great job. CONGRATULATIONS AND MORE POWER. I am posting this now without having watched the culminating ‘Gabi ng Parangal’ tonight. The whole che-bang is an overwhelming success. Let us all offer ‘Sanghiyang’ (Thanksgiving to God) with tremendous hope that Alfonso shall not only be WELL physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually but also socially and politically.

THANK YOU AETDM. Alfonsinos and Allfonsinas are shouting…MORE !!!

Monday, December 5, 2011



I would like to congratulate the efforts of the Alfonso Eco-Tourism Development Management, Inc. (AETDM), a private organization, for launching WELLNESS IS THE NEW ALFONSO, in cooperation with the Alfonso Municipal Government.

It is enigmatically termed SANGHIYANG FESTIVAL. A bold attempt to modernize, glamorize and even globalize a centuries old Thanksgiving Ritual known as ‘Sanghiyang’, believed to be an offshoot of the Thanksgiving Ritual performed by Noah’s family after they were saved from the Universal Deluge.

It is being introduced as “a state of Wellness attained when the mind, body, emotion and spirit are well and true acts of worship happens”.

I feel good that at last Alfonso has its own Festival that Alfonsinos everywhere could brag around as its own. Although I think massive information dissemination is necessary for all concerned to be aware of the new concept. As it is now even the original ‘magsasanghiyangs’ are confused and unable to comprehend what is going on.

It could be more relevant if the complete original Sanghiyang Ritual is reenacted in a grand scale with symbolic offerings of the different Baranggays at a giant ‘dulang’ with the usual crude ‘altares’ and participated by all the available ‘magsasanghiyangs’.

At any rate considering that this is the first attempt, much could yet be done to improve the Festival and again I thank the AETDM for the inspired effort.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good Aphogenics 11-11-11


It was a simple skin itch that I enjoyed scratching with my bare hand. As a result a little wound was created that I didn’t even considered treating with anything as wounds like that were usually self healing.

The following day the minute wound began feeling painful then later, projected sharp penetrating pains to different parts of my back, chest and arm. I was scared a bit when the pain projected to my heart area, aware of my long standing myocardial ischemia.

The radiating pain got worse on the third night to the point that little movements in bed could be excruciating. I requested my helper to look at my back wound. He saw a bigger circular wound with little pus with three new pointing areas. I suspected it was carbuncle, a staphylococcal infected that could last for two weeks if uncomplicated.

Because lying on bed somehow always traumatized the wound, it got worse that now I have to do a daily dressing and a regular antibiotic therapy. When it was at its worst I thought the penetrating pain could cause me sudden heart attack which I fatally welcome since I really wanted to die of heart attack to avoid prolong suffering and agony.

True enough I thought I could die that night and was pretty ready about it. I even thought of texting the Parish Priest to invite him to pay me a visit so I could confess, be administered with the Sacrament of the Sick. On second thought I said it was possible I could survive this event and no need to hurry. It was the third week now and the daily cleaning and antibiotic therapy was doing good. The radiating and penetrating pains were gone and there were no new pointings. So I was nt going to die yet and yes, I am very much alive happy as Budoy.

It is now 11-11-11 and I found a new life, new mission, new challeng

Monday, November 7, 2011



This is not a horror story… the reason why I am posting this many days after All Souls’ Day. It all started after my children grandchildren, wife and guests all left in the afternoon of All Saints’ Day. I was again left alone in our old ten bedroom ancestral home. My gardeners stay at their quarter behind the old house.

It was not easy to say I didn’t feel lonely because honestly, somehow, tinge of unexplained loneliness stated creeping all over me and so I quickly introduced my antidote by singing a happy tune.

I slept alone in my room after closing the lights and the doors of the other rooms. I hated being disturb by closing and opening doors caused by the blowing of the wind through the windows.

In the middle of the night I was awakened by the strong urge to urinate. I simply rose from my bed to go to the bathroom which was adjacent to mine. Immediately I was temporarily stunned when I noticed the door of the opposite room was open while the light was brightly opened as if someone was inside. I was frozen for a moment. Who could have opened the room and its light? I presumed my wife returned and I didn’t noticed or felt her coming up… maybe to surprise me or whatever. I was sure any of my gardeners would have the guts to even attempt to play that kind of trip on me.

I honestly believe that ghosts maybe true but they were supposed to be simple entities incapable of opening doors and switching lights. So, not finding any plausible reason for the ghostly event I went directly to my desk to record the details about my feelings and analysis.

Though unconvinced that a ghost was doing tricks on me, I prayed surrounding myself with the white light of Jesus so that nothing could hurt me as I then proceeded to my room to continue my interrupted sleep. It was when I entered my room that I suddenly realized that when I entered my room earlier I felt the colder climate that I decided to change to a thicker blanket which I took from the room that I just found opened and lighted as I forgot putting of the light and closing the door before I wrapped myself in a thick blanket to prevent shivering.

What took place was not an eerie ghostly experience but just a simple, ordinary senior moment of lapses enough to keep doors and lights open.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011



It was not an ordinary thunderstorm for it was also raining angry elephants and tigers. Typhoon Pedring was pouring terror and suffering to Northern and Central Luzon.

Sudenly, there was power failure which I suspected must have been purposely done to prevent electrical accidents especially to flooded areas. In moments like this I always try to shield myself from attacks of loneliness and fear by singing a happy song.

“ A time to be happy is now…” But how could be happy when I was fully aware that many were suffering, even dying in affected areas? “ A time to be happy is here…” Yes, it was easier to be happy where I was but I couldn’t imagine the feelings of those caught on rooftops specially the infants and the old folks.

“And the way to be happy is to make others happy…” How can I help make others happy where I was when I was confined solitarily in a darkened house that the wind was trying hard to forcibly destroy?

“ And to build a little heaven down here…” At the moment I was aware of all my heavenly virtues but I was simply trapped in my haven… helpless. So, I fervently prayed: “Powerful Father in heaven, Your Will! Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else”.

Then I went to be and slept peacefully knowing thAt God was in full command.

Friday, September 30, 2011



Our farmer’s wife gave birth to a child, a baby girl. It was not unusual. She was brought to the Municipal Health Center at around 2:00 a.m. She quickly delivered her baby at almost about the coming of the midwife. Again it was not unusual and thanks God, everything happened quickly and smoothly except that at 6:00 a.m. she was already being discharged.

The father was told about ...the Center’s rule not to keep patient more than four hours if there were no complications. Again it was not unusual to follow the rule except that the husband didn’t have money to pay the “package amount” of Php 4,000.00. He didn’t know what to do so he approached my gardener trying to barrow said amount.

My gardener in turn told me the farmer’s predicament and I immediately went to withdraw from my ATM account which happened to be out of order that moment. I went to the Center to request that the woman be allowed to go home while I promised to immediately give the payment once the ATM got on line. My request was granted.

I advised the mother to undergo ligation as they already have three children. It was now very expensive to get pregnant considering all the collateral expenses before and after a child’s birth. Reflecting on my suggestion I wondered allowed “What if our parents underwent ligation after three children during our time?” I was the youngest in the family of ten while my wife was the 10th in a family of thirteen. The Reproductive Health Bill should really be debated intelligently and an intelligent decision must be arrived at.

Thursday, September 29, 2011



One day my gardener verbally told to me his long time dream. He wanted to learn how to drive. Realizing his simple ambition I immediately gave him permission to go to the Department of Science and Technology in Tagaytay where, someone told me they were offering driving lesson together with trouble shooting for Php. 300.00 only.

Accompanied by my regular driver the two went to Tagaytay just to discover that the said Php 300.00 was only the “entrance fee” and that at the end of the course he would spend almost Php 4000.00. So, they moved to a regular driving school where he was charged Php 2,900.00 and was told to start the following Monday.

Monday came so, my excited gardener woke up so early with the enthusiasm of a newly enrolled high school student on his first day of school. He went there at 1:00 p.m. for the starting lesson at 3:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m. he was back unable to begin the driving lesson. Birth certificate and a personal Identification card were required. But since he didn’t have those credentials he requested for his money back to him but no refund was made.

My poor gardener had to call his family in the province for the Birth certificate while I told him to request for a Postal I.D. at the local Post Office. There was a wrong letter in his birth certificate and an affidavit had to be made to correct that. Meantime to get a Postal I.D. he was required to produce a Community Tax Certificate and a Baranggay clearance.

My gardener had already spent another thousand pesos before he could start his driving lesson. That was after requiring him to pay for his student’s permit. But that was not the end of the story as his Birth Certificate with affidavit correcting the wrong letter wouldn’t be accepted for the issuance of a student’s permit. My poor gardener haven’t started his first driving lesson yet.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



There was power failure the whole night. The rain was non-stop and the wind was crazily blowing hard while typhoon Pedring was devastating many regions of the country.

I woke up feeling good after a pleasant night sleep in the cold of the storm accompanied by the lullaby of the raindrops. I was trying to dramatize in my mind what was best to do in this kind of situation. But first I wanted to know the news of the day. While scanning the pages of a broadsheet the lights went on. The power was back.

I quickly went to my favorite Netcafe shop just to be told that there was no internet on line so I went directly to the nearby eatery where I ordered my second cup of coffee for the day. I noticed that Typhoon Pedring was not kidding. It was producing whizzing, rumbling and every kind of sounds along its way which was all direction in a whirling manner.

I was waiting for the period of calm while taxing my mind with various thoughts. What could President P-Noy be thinking now while state-visiting Japan? What could the care takers of Malacanang be doing now that everybody was asking what to do next? What could affected people in affected areas be feeling during this time of uncertainty?

As far as I could remember this was the first time that what they call typhoon surge attacked like a tsunami reaching higher than coconut trees along Roxas Boulevard, drowning the U.S. Embassy compound.

Thousands of Whys and Whens and Hows were playing in my mind preventing “Alzheimer’s poison” to have a chance to enter my system. Typhoon Pedring left though Typhoon Quiel was not far behind.

Friday, September 16, 2011



It was already in the morning… supposedly the start of the working hours but at the Glorieta where I go daily to do my internet chatting, all the stalls were still closed. I wanted to take my second cup of coffee but Saddle Rance was also closed like the Beauty Salon at the opposite side and the “Ukay-Ukay” store nearby. The Money Changer was still inactive including the Netcafe Shop where I was supposed to begin my day.
I wonder where everyone was though I was sure it was not a holiday and it was pretty unusual for this place to be like this. The unruly students that used to gather very early where nowhere to be found. Vehicles were busy at the front street but where was everybody to activate the Geleria?
An American national who also frequent the Netcafe came by so while waiting we had a long personal chat on various matters of interest. At the end of our animated conversation we both agreed that Alfonso was indeed a paradise considering everything that happens everywhere.
It was already 9:30 a.m. when the young woman on duty to open the Netcafé shop arrived. She immediately started unlocking about 9 padlocks securing the shop. The last one couldn’t be opened even with the assistance of the other stall owners.
I decided to go home and discovered that the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant was being aired on Television. Miss Philippines was already among the 16 semi-finalist. Then she was chosen among the Five finalist and eventually chosen third runner up. Everytime her name was called she would exhibit that tsunami walk that only she could do gracefully. It was not too bad considering that she was one among the 89 contestants from all over the world. It made my day.

Saturday, August 6, 2011



To procrastinate, according to the dictionary is to delay or put off to a later time. It means postponing a decision or simply forgetting about it. It is considered the thief of time. Yes, it robs our time resulting to so many important things left undone. It is most practice during rainy days when we don’t want to do anything that we usually do.

Rainy days do change our attitude and disposition that is why procrastination during this time is more common. In fact it is turning to be a hobby that is not so interesting to do.

But if we study carefully we shall discover that procrastination could be converted positively like for instance fixing or putting into order the contents of your cabinet while the rain is pouring on; cleaning your books and bookshelves in time with the thunderstorm.

How about checking your files or just finding out if your hanging clothes are in good order? This is also the best time to clean your shoes to wash away the growing fungi in preparation for the sunny days. There are a lot of simple things we could do while procrastinating.

Ok, it is raining almost continuously. Let us procrastinate but let us procrastinate positively.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Typhoon Juaning was angrily pouring buckets of rain from the skies. I was making my regular brewed coffee. It was twilight time.

My attention was easily caught by one glamorously attractive giant flower daintily glowing in the dim of the moment. It was about 1x1/2 foot in size showing its magnificence in the midst of tiny Japanese Bougainville and multi colored cactus blossoms.

It was indeed a dominant garden queen getting my full concentration while I was greatly wondering how it was formed. While I was continuously appreciating it I was also trying to make plans in my mind what I would do with it come morning time. It was so beautiful that I thought it should be seen and appreciated by more flower lovers.

While watching TV and sipping my hot brewed coffee the image of that dark pink giant blossom was still lingering in my mind. I started wondering how it was formed. What is a result of the heavy rains? I have never seen something like it before. It must have emitted its own special scent that I didn’t smell during that rainy night. I promised myself to do something with it earliest in the morning.

I planned to cut it so I could put it in a unique porcelain vase for my visitors to appreciate. It will surely be a good conversation piece. So, while I was drinking my first cup of brewed coffee in the morning I took a careful long look at the Queen of the blossom and behold! It was not a magnificent Queen of Flower I thought it to be. The brightness of the sunrise exposed its reality.

It was just a medium sized, dark pink plastic bag flown by the breath of Juaning on top of a big, thick cactus leaf. Yes, it was plastic and like many plastic things including plastics persons it deceived me completely. It taught me a big lesson: Be careful not to be deceived by plastic, be it a flower or a person.

Friday, June 17, 2011

RIZAL (the abnormal)

RIZAL ( the abnormal )

I consider myself lucky that I took RIZAL as a requirement course. Through the course I learned so much about Rizal not only as our National Hero with statue at every municipality but more especially as another Filipino with extraordinary and unusual qualities.

At the end of the course we were required to submit an essay about Dr. Jose P. Rizal. There were so many subjects and topics to choose from. Many have already been written extensively by famous and infamous authors.

I tried to think of a topic not yet written about him and ended up writing about “Rizal, the Abnormal”. Yes, abnormal in the sense that he is so unusual and extraordinary, markedly different from the rest.

When we say it is abnormal to be an idiot, an imbecile or a moron we also say it is also abnormal to be a genius, for normality refers only to the inferior, the average and the superior mentality. Rizal is a super genius in almost all areas, with exceptional natural talent or creative intellectual ability from agriculture to medicine, to literature and the arts. He is a ‘super genius’ in a highly positive manner.

From early childhood he already showed abnormality as to be able to write a poem at the age of eight. He behaved ahead of his age and development.

As a young man he was linked to at least eleven (some say 23) women from Leonor Rivera to Josephine Bracken but he seemed unable to impregnate any of them presuming that Josephine Bracken was already pregnant when she came to the Philippines. Does it mean he was sterile in spite of some suggestions that he is the father of Adolf Hitler?

Furthermore, it is most unusual or “abnormal” to exhibit a normal pulse rate and possibly normal blood pressure in front of a Firing Squad before he was executed at Bagumbayan.

I do not mean to diminish the greatness of our National Hero. I am just looking at him from the point of view of a medical man that I am. In fact, I think our beloved country needs more unusual, exceptional and abnormal people like Jose P. Rizal to save our Motherland from the abnormal situation where it is now.

Happy Birthday Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal, our National Hero. Since you are the Father of our nation, let me greet you Happy Father’s Day too. From your normal Filipino height of five feet, two inches,you grew up to be the tallest Filipino to whom the whole world now looks up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



The coming Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day in the Philippines ( it is different dates in other countries) as well as the 150th Birthday of our Nation’s Father, Dr. Jose Rizal. I am reminded of a somehow memorable experience a few years ago.

That Sunday, the Parish Priest greeted all the churchgoing fathers, Happy Father’s Day! He even gave special blessings to all the fathers present whom the priest requested to stand up. There were more than a dozen of us who stood up for the blessing.

After the mass I was expecting some greetings at least from my wife and children who were all away from me that day. Came noontime and no greetings received. I felt so isolated that eventually turned to loneliness.

No greeter was felt till nighttime. Was it all I deserved after having been lucky enough to be specially blessed early in the morning? I was about to go to bed with a heavy heart but before doing so I decided to greet a father friend just in case no one greeted him too.

“Hope this is not too late, but Happy Father’s Day to you!”, I texted him. He replied quickly. “What too late are you saying? You are one week too early.

So, it turned out that because Mother’s day fell on the second Sunday of May, the Priest thought Father’s Day was second Sunday of June… and so the confusion that almost turned me suicidal.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Have an authentic record of important dates and send your greetings correctly.

Saturday, June 11, 2011



How long is a moment and how far can it go? The dictionary says a moment is a very brief space of time or simply an instant like what we usually consider a spur of the moment, But a moment could also be as long as the moment of great celebration like the momentous Edsa People’s Power Revolution

What is more interesting are the ’senior moments’ generally exhibited by, well, senior citizens… To begin with, senior moments mean many things. It is the time when a senior suddenly experience lapses of memory- when he is not sure whether he is coming or going. It is the moment when he forgets what he did a few minutes ago but remembers to the smallest detail what took place during the Japanese War.

It is interesting because it is the occasion when he starts looking for a comb or a key that he is tightly holding with his hands. It is even more interesting and entertaining when he buys something, forgets to pay then ask for the change.

Senior moments are significant inventories of what a person considers truly valuable to him like the experiences and people who are deeply imbedded in the deepest corners of his memories. Youngsters find this moment funny if not irritating.

Yes, senior moments are sometime useless pieces of information heard over and over again. But come to think of it, why are those moments surfacing every now and then? What makes an incident specially memorable while others are greatly insignificant? What happens to the mind of a senior citizen that makes it behave that way?

A moment is considered but an instant just like a flash of light or spark of anything but when referring to senior moments it could be a long story of epic proportion whether you are rich and influential person suffering from “Alsheimer’s Disease” are a neglected somebody afflicted by “senile dementia”.

When your time comes, what would you like to be doing and repeatedly expressing during your own senior moments? What about me, what do I expect? Well I hope I wont experience such moment because every morning I do Oil Pulling Therapy on waking up and before retiring while in between I drink 6 to7 cups of unsweetened brewed coffee.Most of all everyday. through the internet, I am showered with stimulating youthful ideas and constantly challenged by their 'modern' queries.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011



School Opening is just around the corner. It is about time we scrutinize and understand the many different establishments active and connected to It. School is supposedly a place where people, especially young ones are educated.

To learn is to gain knowledge and it is but right to call the school for the very young ones, Learning Center which includes the Nursery and the Kindergarten. Then how about the Pre-School, does it refer to the Day Care Center? And there is the Primary School, the Secondary School and the High School.

A College is understood to be a place of higher specialized education. Now why are there schools called Colleges when they are offering only High School courses and why are some remains to be called just a School even if they are offering College degrees? It is simply beyond my comprehension.

An Academy on the other hand is a school for higher learning or sophisticated training. But I cannot understand why a school offering Nursery and Kindergarten is allowed to be called an Academy. It is ok to hear about such thing as Academy of World Healing or Academy of Cock fighting. Likewise, an Institute is an organization founded for a particular purpose that is why some schools are called Institutes.

What then is a University? It is an institution of higher or tertiary education but can also be called a Learning center because it includes everything from Nursery to Doctorate. With lots of establishments all offering education it is not unusual to find pupils and students confused enough to understand the different categories of the educational establishments. Where are you planning to enroll your children this coming school opening?

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Are you pro or anti RH (?) is now the most asked question as it is also the most confusedly answered. It is the question that clearly divides the Church and the Government but also the people within the Church and the people within the Government. It is a powerful divisive question that may even completely divide the nation.

I answer it by relating my own story. To begin with, I married late but I married hurriedly. It was indeed a whirlwind wedding that happened so suddenly. My wife was the 10th in a family of 13 siblings while I was the 10th and the youngest in our family. If our parents stopped at three we would have never met but since RH was not yet a topic of much discussion during those times it was not difficult for our parents to follow their consciences.

In my mind I really wanted two boys, If possible twins, to be named David and Jonathan to perpetuate the strong biblical friendship of the original. My wife did not object to my ‘bright’ idea. So, like our whirlwind wedding we worked for a whirlwind child, a boy we named David but since Pope Paul VI was then in the Philippines we attached the name Paul to David.

After Paul-David we tried to practice spacing so we turned to use the Rhythm method just to discover soon enough that it was not really effective. Our Rhythm daughter was born. Discovering the defect of the Rhythm method we proceeded to use spermicide knowing that it was not abortifacient as it kills the sperm before it could fertilize the ovum. In less than two years our Spermicide daughter was born.

Thinking that Condom could be more effective we tried it in spite of the very diminished pleasure that it caused. But God knew better. He allowed the bursting of the Condom so that in less than another year our Condom daughter was born. Now with four children to attend to we tried everything from withdrawal to interruption to abstinence and of course it took three year before our Abstinence son was born. Now we have the dreamed-off Jonathan to be paired with David. Because David combined to a Paul we decided to attach Peter to Jonathan. He turned out not only to be an Abstinece son but also A Menopausal Child.

All the time we used our knowledge, reason, conscience and logic in building our family but God decided to gift us with two sons to guard our three daughters who are all doing good and at present has already graced us with eleven grandchildren all very healthy. God must be at the center of everything.

Friday, May 20, 2011



What grand scenery! The whole length and width of the Church’s Plaza is beautifully landscaped by the collective efforts of the different Cut Flower Farms doing business in Alfonso. They coordinated their own versions of a Garden Show for the month of May, and why not? After all Alfonso is the Flower Center of Cavite and May is month of Flowers.

Not only that… all the vehicles from the smallest tricycle to the biggest bus are decorated with simple flower arrangement. All the establishments including the small carts of the ambulant vendors are bedecked with flowers of all scents and colors. Private houses are even more sophisticated in appearance.

Come procession time with the parade of the beautiful “sagalas” and their handsome escorts is extraordinarily presented in a very dignified way to honor the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Mayflowers who is superbly decorated with rare orchids, roses and flowers of all scents and colors.

She is surrounded by the “Damas de la Virgen” consisting of twelve pretty maidens uniquely crowned with intricate floral crowns sponsored by the different cut flower farms.

This is the first time a thing like this happened in our town. Everyone is extremely exhilarated. Thanks to the cooperative participation of the different Cut Flower Farms. We deserved to remain the Flower Center of our province. The Church and the Municipal officials through the initiative of the Youth Leaders specifically that of the May Flower Organization all joined together to make this Festival possible.

Suddenly I hear the festive tolling of the melodious Church Bells. I am awakened from an amazingly pleasant dream.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Suddenly, for a moment, the whole town is so quiet. Everybody seems to be extremely tired as indeed it is true. Some are shouting invectives address “To Whom it May Concern” about mountains of garbage and mounds of trash at many corners complete with the accompanying smell of rotting things. Women, mostly tired housewives talk with hoarse voices and staggering walk showing signs of tiredness after many busy days.

Most kitchens are yet poorly attended and still showing remnants of the day that was. Cabinets are mostly teaming with unsorted left over being heated and reheated for the “altares”, whatever it really means.

Sad sighs about the incurred expenses and debts to be paid while thinking of the coming school opening. Finger-pointing about problems and misunderstanding during the rush in attending to the fiesta revelry.

There are lamentations here and there in deep emotions but that is not the end of it as new problems and new challenges are sprouting left and right even before the coming of the rains and the typhoons.

It is good to look forward to the colorful Mayflower festival coming soon with all its grandeur full of fresh flowers and beautiful ladies parading with their handsome escorts all intended to honor Our Lady of the Mayflowers.

Let us look at the fiesta lamentations as just a prelude to another interesting festival during this merry, merry month of May.

Friday, May 13, 2011



It is the Spanish term for festivals honoring the Patron Saint of a certain town. Here in our town it is celebrated every May 16th, rain or shine, during War and in Peace. It is supposedly the date of the Martyrdom of St. John Nepomucene.

Fiesta used to be celebrated lavishly with dozens of brass bands parading back and forth through streets while other varied presentations are going on. Sumptuous foods are offered at every house while visitors enjoy meeting their friends and relatives.

The night before (Eve of the Fiesta) contest between participating brass bands is held during a ‘serenata’. At night on Fiesta Day a long processions of the different Saints of the different Baranggays together with the Patron Saint of the town and that of the Virgin Mary is held followed by fireworks display and then Ballroom Dancing.

There is a lingering belief that changing the date of the Fiesta festival brings about calamities and other problems as what happened when the Chairman of the Fiesta Committee one time change the date of the fiesta to make it fall on a Sunday. A tragic incident happened to one member of the family.

It has been experienced that many untoward incidents are happening during Fiesta revelries in many communities and as an offshoot of this, one politician suggested that the practice be stopped to improved the country’s economy. It turned out to be the end of his political career.

Considering that fiesta is just a motivational gimmick of the Spaniards while Christianizing the Philippines it is deeply imbedded in the psyche of the Filipinos that now the so called Filipino mentality is a great factor in maintaining the sanity of most Filipinos during trying moments. Fiesta will always be with us come hell or high water.

According to Alejandro Roces, “the Filipinos has such a strong feeling for the Fiesta because it tells him where he came from and who he is. The Filipinos love the Fiesta and would therefore, rally in its name”.

Lately, St. John Nepomucene manifests himself as a blue light that suddenly appears when one is praying for his intercession.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


(Excerpts from my Pilgrimage Diary: Oct.1-26, 1995)

Rome, in spite of the Arab pickpockets and the Gypsy snatchers was also home of the Pope and an audience with the Pope was a most romantically Divine encounter.

October 25, 1995: We arrived at the St. Peter’s Square at 8:30 a.m. but allowed only to enter after another half hour. There was a very big crowd and to keep everything in order needed a lot of security people – the Swiss guards in their colorful uniform.

We were assigned on the twenty second row in front of the canopy where the Pope was going to sit. Disabled persons were placed on the right side of the canopy. We were surrounded by pilgrims coming from all corners of the world: British, Portuguese, Indonesians, Guatemalans, Polish, American Indians and many others waving their own banners.

With all those pilgrims coming from everywhere, all bringing love and expressing it in a hundred different ways, the Vicar of Christ must be romantically overwhelmed. He moved around riding on His Pope mobile.

Our small group, fourteen in all, expressed our love by shouting at the top of our voices: “John-Paul Two, we love you… John-Paul Two, we love you…Philippines!”At the same time each of us was waving a tiny Filipino flag. I saw the Pope looked at us for a short while but that short while was full of heavenly bliss that culminated our Holy Pilgrimage.

Thursday, April 14, 2011



It is summer time again. Four of my grandchildren came to visit their “Lolo”. Three girls and a boy who is only two months old, was considered as their “bodyguard”.

I bonded with them through plays and storytelling and by doing other interesting things from origami to magic. This morning, to animate breakfast time I asked: “Who can define Love?” The six grader quickly replied: “I don’t know much about that”, while the fourth grader answered: “I am too young for Love”.

I explained that by love it can mean love of God, love of parents, love of friends, love of pets and many other things and not necessarily the love that was in their minds. This was followed by enlightened laughter. Then I looked at the two year old girl and jokingly asked what she could say about love. She childishly answered; “I love catfish”. More laughter ensued.

During dinner time I announced that our dinner topic was Honesty, and then asked “What comes to your mind? The six grader quickly said “Real”, to which the fourth grader immediately said “I agree”. I elaborated that they were both correct since honesty means truthfulness and if one is true; one is not a fake or plastic. Turning again to the two year old I asked: “How about you pretty girl, what is honesty?” She yawned “soup; horse”. I explained that she was honestly enjoying her soup while wishing to go horse-riding afterwards.

Since it was the period of lent I ventured to introduce Prayer as our next topic. The sixth grader quickly mentioned “Church” and the fourth grader replied “ God”. I explained that while prayers are commonly done inside the Church it could be done anywhere as prayer means talking to God and God is everywhere. Turning again to the two year old we all eagerly waited for her reaction. She carefully look to the left and to the right as if groping for the answer then she furrowed her forehead as if in deep thought before smiling at everyone and continued eating. Yes, I said, prayer could be done quietly as she very well demonstrated to all of us. A very lively discussion followed for quite a time.

I found this kind of bonding very effective as it stimulated the children to think and learn playfully. It also gave them a chance to actively participate. I was very careful not to allow anyone to feel guilty or totally wrong. Afterwards they were suggesting topics to discuss and so it turned out to be a continuing school while on summer vacation.

Monday, April 4, 2011



It gave me a bit of heartache when I saw the bulldozed stairs that used to be at the northern side of the Town Plaza.. It was built, if I remember right, during the time of Mayor Adelardo Rosanes. That time the building of the stairs was praised and applauded by the community since it was the building of those stairs that closed the southern portion of Rizal Street to become a part of the Municipal Park that beautifully expanded the Plaza.

Where the covered court now stands used to be a rugged portion of the town. When the stairs were built the town Plaza was flattened and was decorated with several colorful circular concrete tables covered with umbrella shaped roofing. There was also a Spanish well that used to supply water to the Casa Real and to the community.

The stairs were so welcoming that the seat of the government suddenly look so “kind and accommodating” to its people. I consider it as the legacy of Mayor Adelardo Rosanes. It is too bad that it was not properly maintained.

Now, it is gone. I don’t know what they are planning to do with it but for sure the vacated portion shall be turned into a parking area of undisciplined parkers. I am afraid the area will turn to be a public eye sore and if the Plaza shall be fenced it will psychologically separate itself from the people. It may look physically beautiful but emotionally segregated from the community that it is supposed to serve.

I hope and pray personally that a good architectural design shall be as welcoming as the discarded stairs.

Friday, February 25, 2011

FEBRUARY 25, 2011 - 4:30 p.m.

February 25, 2011 4:30 pm

Tears were flowing freely down my cheeks. I was watching the historical reenactment of the “Salubungan” during the height of the People Power Revolution at EDSA 25 years ago. It was difficult to describe how I felt.

I was there at EDSA with my fifteen year old son and some other members of the Altinig Choir. We were actually far from where the “Salubngan” occurred because we were not able to come near due to the bigness of the crowd. As we move around we sang songs of our choir.

I recalled how my son and I went there each with a bag for wet towel in plastic for the tear gas just in case, candies and water should we get hungry or thirsty and flashlight in case of blackout. Our bags were tied to our waists to prevent them from getting lost. I asked my son what he would do should we get away from each other due to commotions. He said he would look for a car with Ayala Alabang Sticker so he could be back where we then resided.

The atmosphere then was festive even if one had to pay P1.00 to be able to spit and step over the pictures of the conjugal dictators. We were there when the Marcoses fled to Hawaii. The nation was jubilant. We expected great changes but nothing much happened.

Now, 25 years later we were still hoping to feel the change that we all expected. My 15 year old son who was with me then was now an Australian citizen as well as my youngest son, the EDSA boy of the new generation.

My tears continued flowing down my cheeks as important symbols of EDSA were being handed down to the youth in front of the People Power Monument, for them to continue the spirit and the tangible reality of the EDSA People Power Revolution. My other youthful daughter was now a Canadian citizen.

To dramatize the need for Unity, Ateneo and La Salle choirs joined to sing “Magkaisa” together. Artists from competing channels 2, 5 and 7 also jointly gave their presentations. So many young people attended the 25th Anniversary celebration giving hope to every Filipino that Unity was still possible and attainable.

With tears now drying from my cheeks, in time with the historic speech of President Noy Aquino. I was praying that I live long enough to be able to finally experience the reality of EDSA’s dream. With all my children abroad holding dual citizenship I believe that they will still have the chance to be back to their country feeling safe and at peace with themselves and their own families.

I was aware that my Patriotism was greatly wanting…even corny. But my patriotism was congenitally imbedded in the center of my heart.

Monday, February 21, 2011



I was talking to my friend who asked me where my wife was. I said she was in Manila and I was alone except for the gardener.

“Aren’t you afraid being alone?” asked my friend. I said No, because I have a long list of several relatives and friends whom I can summon to help me in case of emergency, by simply touching my Send message at my cell phone.

My friend wondered how I could call so many people at the same time. So, I took my cell phone and showed him the list of the people I want to come to help in time of need with a message: HELP! PLEASE QUIETLY BRING POLICEMEN! I added the word quietly to avoid commotions.

I was showing my friend my draft box where I save the message and the names and while in the process of demonstrating I accidentally touched the send button. It was too late for me to send another message that it was a false alarm.

In no time at all, three nieces, two nephews, several neighbors and friends all came rushing and panting, together with three policemen plus many other curious kibitzers.

It was a funny though embarrassing incident but in a way it turned out to be a drill just in case a real need for policemen came. It was consoling to discover that my neighbors immediately guarded my backyard with long, big pieces of wood ready to strike possible escaping suspects.

It was also then did I realize my truly concerned friends, neighbors and relatives.Knowing how so many were ready to help made me feel very good. But most of all I felt genuinely protected, aware that policemen were ready to offer their help…our towns finest indeed.

Friday, February 4, 2011



Granting that crabs have mentality, it has a negative connotation deeply imbedded in the Filipino psyche. It is erroneously considered to be a kind of trampling at each other in a race towards a common goal. It is believed wrongly to be a kind of backbiting or jostling to prevent the progress of those getting ahead.

But come to think of it in a positive light and analyze the crab behavior more carefully. You will notice that the escaping crab from a basket is not actually being pulled down to the bottom but in reality is being pushed up on top of the pyramid formed by the other crabs.

The maneuver actually is a kind of reward or recognition of the achiever; a salute to the stronger and daring member; actually a kind of appreciation for the more adventurous and heroic crab in the clan. It is in fact a strategy for unity to keep the family together.

Scientifically the technology of pen culture also known as “aquasilviculture” is an intelligent positive application of crab mentality of socializing together whereby ‘crablets’ are enclosed in bamboo pens festooned with nets to keep them in one place. Plastic is wound on the upper portion of the net to discourage them from escaping the pen so that they can build many pyramids of fulfillment to keep them together in idle mangrove areas that can eventually be turned into economically protective sites without disturbing the natural ecological state.

If Filipinos could only apply this positive crab mentality there shall be less fighting, less hunger as we shall be congratulating the winners and praising the victorious. We shall be preventing them from going away from us to serve as our mentors, helpers and inspirations.

We certainly can possibly learn many lessons from the crabs. Let us help our leaders to stay up and cooperate with the good things they are doing instead of degrading their achievements. Let us build many pyramids for the many heroes and heroines of our society. Let us stick to one another as a family and as a nation.

There is definitely nothing wrong with the crabs or their mentality but there seems to be something unclear about the Filipino culture and the application of the Filipino mentality.

Sunday, January 2, 2011



Four ones in a row was the New Year’s most obvious greeting. 1/1/11…what a very strong combination! Number one represent many things: It stands for one God and the three ones are the three persons in the Holy Trinity. Co-equal, co-powerful, and most mysterious of all mysteries.

This New Year must be a mysterious one. Hopingly, many mysterious problems of the country shall be resolved. Mysterious accounts must be exposed. Mysterious transactions of the government must be uncovered. Once the mysteries are removed, genuine transparency shall be attained.

The moment transparency is realized, doubts shall not linger in our minds. Honesty and sincerity shall be felt and peace shall be tangible reality – the miracle of One.

The mystical combination of four ones shall only last for one day but if that one day that happens only once in a lifetime shall be allowed to linger then, hope shall be strengthened, faith shall be increased and Love shall soon prevail. With love prevailing, peace shall be achieved. When this happens progress shall not be far behind.

With all our children already happily living their own lives my wife and I suddenly found ourselves back to square one. One on one at breakfast, at lunch, during snack time, at supper and up to late night snacks while watching the Television.

We are back to our honeymoon period no longer staring at each other but rather looking together upwards to one direction as we offered our fulfilled life to God.