Monday, February 25, 2008


During Our Tour to Israel

During our briefings before the pilgrimage we were given guidelines and precautions. Things to do and not to do, things to avoid, and a lot of this and that about traveling on a pilgrimage.

One of the most detailed and emphatic was the one that concerned the security measures in Israel. Entering Israel was not as easy as having a passport and a ticket though a visa wasn’t required. There were so many dos and don’ts that somehow scared all of us.

We were told to pack our own luggage and to be sure that we remember completely what we packed. We were told to be ready for the individual interview by young security persons. We were even reminded to look straight into the eyes of the interviewer so as not to be suspected as concealing something.

When we arrived at the airport we were all very tense and doubly scared. And whenever I was tense or even just a bit scared butterflies in my stomach start flying to all directions. True enough when it was my turn I got greatly tensed and whenever I was feeling that way something very unhealthy usually happens.

When I was asked if I was bringing a sharp object, I thought of my Swiss knife and all of a sudden my intestinal tract started rolling . Gas quickly formed and quietly a very unwholesome smell was emitted. I thought I was going to melt.

The lady guard looked into my eyes and asked, “Did you pack anything rotten?”

“No”. I answered and pointing to myself, I continued, “I am the one rotten”. The lady guard tried to hide a dirty smile but immediately allowed me to go. All my other companions were completely astonished why I was at once released while they were still undergoing thorough grilling.

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