Wednesday, March 19, 2008



According the Principle of Mentalism, the whole world is but a mental creation of God. God created us in His image with the same powerful mind that can create or destroy.

Whatever plan we make always starts from the mind and whatever the mind architects, the mind builds before the physical reality is achieved.

What we think becomes. When we think always of illness or disease going to affect us, it doesn’t take a long time for this illness to become a reality. Some illness recedes or progresses according to how we think about it.

When a person is diagnosed with cancer, immediately our minds create a destructive idea thinking that cancer is supposed to destroy especially if the diagnosis was done with the use of sophisticated machines. More so if the doctor‘s verdict is ‘stage IV’, metastatic and therefore terminal.

The word terminal is the killer term added to the already murderous world cancer. Now, aside from the person concerned all the other people close to the patient, the friends, the relatives and everybody begin to establish a destructive pattern of mentality that they all project to the patient. Those destructive vibrations, so projected, weaken the defense mechanism of the person sick enough to fight and accepts the 'terminality' faster.

With a whole community collectively projecting seriousness and gravity to the illness, no amount of expensive medications can contradict or prevent the disease from its destructive process.

In cases like this, all kinds of treatment, traditional and non- traditional, spiritual and herbal are being tried but at the same time all minds are only sending a skeptical hope for recovery. More destructive vibrations are being projected. The sick person gets sicker and sicker not to mention that every new medication that the person receives also bring with it new side effects that will only need more and more new medications.

In Russia, many cancer patients are isolated. They are not allowed to receive visitors. Most of the time diagnosis is also kept in secret. This prevents other people from sending or projecting negative and destructive vibrations to the already sick patient.

In many cases only counseling and Hypnotherapy are used to bring back the health of the patient successfully. What we think becomes. If a battalion of people projects death, the patient dies, and quickly.

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