Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I am not a gambler in the ordinary sense of the word. Yes, I buy sweepstakes and lotto tickets every now and then; indulge in "jueteng" occasionally and bet little amounts of money once in a while. Just like that so people say I am boring because I am not daring.

Yet, no one is really fully aware what a "BIG GAMBLER" I am for I think I am gambling for heaven.

We are always talking about heaven and hell; about good and evil but very few are truly believing that there are such places as heaven, where those who do good go when they die, and hell, where those who do bad end up.

That is where I gamble and put out my best bet... eternal life itself. It is indeed very simple and I want to be a sure winner.

If I do good while living on earth then die to realize that there are no heaven and hell, I have nothing to lose as people will remember the good things that I did in life.

Now if I do bad (evil) while alive then I die and find out about realities of heaven and hell, I will have no choice as I will be thrown to eternal damnation while the memory of my evil deeds will linger in everyone's memory. To play safe I"ll always do good and expect to win my eternal reward.

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