Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Watching the Sunrise

I woke up so early in the morning and was greeted by many depressing news. I knew my day would be totally ruined if I didn't do anything to remedy the negative vibrations.

I took the next bus to Manila to drop by Tagaytay where I intended to watch God make a morning. So, from the view balcony near Tagaytay Rotunda I enjoyed observing how the dull gray of dawn gave way as God pushed the sun toward the horizon. Immediately, tints and hues of every color began to blend into one perfect light. The full sun burst quietly into view.

The sun, as king of the day, moved majestically across the sky, flooding the earth and every hill and valley with glorious luminosity. At this moment I seemed to hear choir of heaven as it sang the glory of the morning and the greatness of God.

As I watched the clear, pure light of the morning I yearned for the truth in my heart that could make me pure and clear like the beautiful morning itself. I wished I successfully tuned my life to the concert pitch of nature around me.

The breeze that accompanied the sunrise made me hope in God, who gave me life. He completely filled me with His breath, His mind and His spirit. I silently whispered a prayer: "God, Your will, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. Amen". Within God's life I found my own, but now it was eternally glorified.

I wondered what we, poor humans, would do without our God's nights and mornings. It was so relieving to see the passing of darkness silently away. As the day grew brighter my biological clock reminded me to eat something. I proceeded to the McDonald nearby and ordered my usual coffee and hush brown.

Now I was ready to face the day with vim, vigor and vitality.

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