Saturday, July 21, 2007

When Things Go Wrong

One day, the gate valve guarding the water pipe going to the water tank had a leak. Together with the gardener I tried to fix it but to no avail. I looked for a 'tubero', which took many hours, through the help of several people, before I reached his residence.

Simple. I was told to buy a new gate valve but when it was installed the water still failed to reach the tank. There must be obstruction somewhere. The 'tubero' tried his might but no obstruction was discovered. Sensing that he was not an experienced one I tried to look for another 'tubero' the next day who just suggested that I buy a better brand as the previous one easily fails to do its job. But still no water flowed to the tank. Further scrutiny led to seemingly failing booster pump, as it was already old. A new pump was installed after two days but still no water reached the tank.

Thinking that the problem was probably from the main line I went to the local NAWASA Office to request that my water line please be checked. Two 'tuberos' came to check the line, which was found to be in good order. There must be a leaking line within my lot. A new exposed line was installed and yes it worked well but only up to the first tank, so a new line was installed going to the other tank. For that simple gate valve leak I spent almost P7,000.00.

I was about to say good grief when I discovered that my television set had no sound, my cell phone had weak battery, my personal computer wasn't working, my blood sugar monitor was not functioning and my tape recorder was also out of order. Added to that, part of my roof was leaking and my toilet won't flush.

Instead of cursing the world I decided to pamper myself with hot coffee when I discovered that my automatic boiler was grounded and wasn't functioning either. It could have been acceptable if my LPG tank wasn't empty.

With a heavy heart I went out to my garden directly to the Scream Out Area. Not actually to scream but just to sit quietly and while away my irritations. Then I heard the melodious chirping of a bird from among the bamboos. I didn't actually see the bird but it performed so well that for a while I thought it was the original 'Ibong Adarna',the magic bird that could put a person to sleep then turns him into stone.

I stayed there for a while imbibing the plant 'prana' every time I inhale, also letting out all my negative vibrations to be absorbed by nature while quietly listening to the sound of nature. It didn't take me too long to realize that in silence and confidence lies my strength", for after that I felt so energized, so strong, so confident in myself that I thought I could face any person or any situation without fear. I moved to the Meditation Site, sat quietly, and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened my eyes I then walked around very slowly to complete a crooked figure of 8 through the rugged pathway before I settled to the Terrace of Merriment where finally I had a chance to enjoy a cup of hot coffee.

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