Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eternity in My Terrace

It is a strong color of a hot flame seeping through dainty branches of healthy 'lubi-lubi' plant at my front yard, creeping brightly to the sides of a thick bunch of cloud. The setting sun has a lonesome message. But it is also the color of sunrise that I noticed from my window when I woke up this morning. It is the sun's burning flame that begins and ends a whole day. Heat, which is the basis of life itself. It gives joy, strength and life to the whole environment.
Everybody is happy. The cocks are crowing before finally hiding to their resting places.Different birds are retreating to their chosen sanctuaries. Insects are coming out and rejoicing through their own enthralling symphony of sounds floating to welcome the advent of nigh time. I don't feel like opening the electric lights as a new light is already being emitted and slowly shining into the darkness of my heart.
It is so pleasant to drink hot rose tea while I vividly imagine the sunrise and sunset of my own life. How relieving it is to hope that when my own sunset comes I'll continue exuding light until darkness completely engulf me.
The darkness is now invading the tail end of the day and the clouds are now ashen gray while the flame of the sun is now dimming. The plants are now quiet and even the air is in total relaxation, as if everything is united in the proclamation of a holy farewell. A farewell, that actually welcomes a more beautiful and brighter sky.
Loud is the barking of a dog as if chasing someone while darkness is fast swallowing the silhouettes of the trees. The bright bloom of 'doña aurora'is now a pale shade of pink. Hidden in the darkness are the orchid-like flowers of 'alibangbang'. Solemnly faded and almost invisible is the light behind the big 'duhat (black berry)', the huge 'narra' and the tall mahoganies'. No longer visible are the fruits of the mango' and the 'santol'.
Night is here. Planet Venus, "the evening star", is now reigning brightly. One by one the stars are appearing, suddenly hundreds of them, thousands, millions -- I am within eternity. The feeling is greatly exhilarating. What a glorious surrounding!!!
All I need is another cup of hut rose tea to communicate with the galaxies, mingle with the universe and make friends with the cosmos. There is nothing like a dialog with Infinity.
My terrace is open all around except for one side where the kitchen is located. I am almost surrounded by an all dimensional show of nature. Dark ant-like little insects are moving on the table where I am writing. They too, seem to enjoy eternity. How can I sometimes be too cruel to kill them as they come? The universe is now reminding me that I am just like that minute ant-like creature. Live and let is fair enough.
The sky darkens. Even the bright glow of the planet Venus is now nowhere to be found. Artificial lights are now dominating the scene. My radio is playing old favorites giving back a lot of fond memories. Oh, those days...
The branches of 'bayabas' tree in front of me are saying something. Through a unique language it is telling a beautiful story. As if in agreement, the 'alibangbang' sways with it. They are reciting a poem. Oh, I need another cup of rose tea. My hanging baskets are dancing, my collection of 'bulols' are deaf listeners and my "throwables" are mute witnesses while planet Venus is their again...the stars again appearing one by one...

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