Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Having none to do and not knowing how to go about it I decided to write just to find out that not knowing what to write is even more unpleasant.

Occasions like this occurs to anyone at one moment or another... a time when one's mind is just BLANK; when one stares sharply at nothing and when nothing means everything, and the only thing that really matters. When nothing seems to exist as something; when nothingness is eternal and eternity is like hell.

This period of nothingness in one's life is a very fearful moment. It could kill you as it has killed thousands of lives before.

It appears that man's greatest enemy is none-existence. Yes, NOTHING!!! Nothing is a great terror occupying every open space. It fills the empty mind, it substitutes for anything. It doesn't push or pull but it is quick in replacing any form of absence of anything in existence.

God did not create nothing. In fact He created everything out of nothing. Likewise, God did not create evil nor darkness. He only created LIGHT AND GOOD, but in the absence of light, even darkness seems to exist because like nothing, darkness occupies any minute space left by light.

God filled man with GOODNESS out of his kindness. But man is disobedient and carefree. Every time man throws away a 'good', evil quickly substitutes just the way an empty glass is suddenly FULL OF NOTHING. Then man curses God for being unfair, for allowing evil. This clearly shows that man doesn't commit sin per se, he only throws away good, which is immediately replaced by evil (sin). Man doesn't tell a lie, he only throws away a truth. Man doesn't hate, he only removes love.. Man doesn't die, he only fails to live.

"Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good". (Romans 12:12) It is always better to light a candle to curse the darkness.

Your very EXISTENCE is enought to keep you rejoicing. No matter how little and useless you think you are, don't dare throw yourself away... for you are something good. Make use of your goodness. Do something constructive, fill yourself with God's graces around you. Don't ever allow nothingness to predominate by keeping the very little you, INTACT.

Keeping yourself intact, is the only way to keep the good in you, intact; the only way to keep you free from evil; the only way to keep the image of God in you. In like manner that a drop of dew contains all the elements of water as complete as all the water at the Pacific Ocean.

Live your life, be it big or small. You are a complete being entirely different from anybody else. You are in every way very special, a unique mystery, a masterpiece of God. Oh, what a wonderful YOU!!!

Yes, you are not-nothing and there is no excuse why you should allow yourself to be conquered by nothingness. You are not darkness and so always keep the rays of your light, no matter how minute a flicker it is emitting. You are full. Your light is as complete as that of the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Your goodness is the portion of God in you. Keep it always.

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