Monday, July 30, 2007


I felt very sleepy yesterday afternoon after lunch. My eyes were closing by themselves and I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. So, I positioned myself comfortably, closed my eyes and took a short nap. When I opened my eyes I felt refreshed and vigorous.

Sleepiness is a protective mechanism. It is nature's way of telling us to rest. And so is tiredness. In fact, all these negative feelings that we used to hate are God's ways of whispering to us what to do.

When we feel hungry, God is telling us to eat. Likewise, when we are thirsty or dizzy or having cramps or experiencing headaches. We are all being reminded to do the necessary positive act even if they have to be done passively.

When we are feeling guilty, God must be reminding us to repent while when we are feeling empty it is about time we do something so that God will pour His graces on us.

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