Thursday, July 19, 2007


The Ophthalmologist calls it a "floater" in my right eye. It gives out a 2x2 inch rugged spot on my visual field and is located at the inner angle of the right upper quadrant. Sometimes it blocks my view and occasionally it changes in color from red to green to violet...all the colors of the rainbow.

Perhaps the "black hole" looks like the dark spot in my field of vision as seen through a powerful telescope focused on the outer space. A super giant floater in the vastness of the universe.

There must be a reason for my rugged floater as there is a reason for the appearance of a black hole. Only God in his divine omniscience knows the importance of the black holes and the floaters. I just realized that there is a mini-universe even within my blurring eye.

In Physics I learned that the atom is the smallest particle of matter. Yet, it is so spacious to allow a neutron (proton) at the center for the electrons to freely orbit around it....just like the solar system in the galaxy. Billions of atoms are supposed to congregate to form just one molecule and billions of molecules are needed to form a tissue. The combination of many tissues then results to different organs while so many organs composed a system. Different systems function harmoniously to keep a healthy body of just one living being.

Yet, all the things on earth, both animate and inanimate, organic and inorganic, living and non-living are only parts of a tiny earth in a tiny solar system that makes a tiny "atom" in a tiny "molecule" that composed the hugeness of the infinit God.

Non of our senses can comprehend the greatness of God but through our imagination which God allowed to be limitless, we can fully appreciate how insignificant we really are. Our imagination can trick us to think otherwise. So, there are those who live in state of delusion presuming that they are great and powerful with unlimited intelligence. This presumption gives birth to pride, the sin of Lucifer. Man fell like a piece of body tissue defeated by pathogenic microorganisms. But just as the body's immune system prevents parts of the body from total deterioration, God prevents His creations from being totally devastated.

If it is difficult to imagine the bigness of God, it is because God is the sum total of all His creations and His creatures are mere nothing had they, or we, not been breathed with life to become part of God's eternal existence.

Death is not the end. It is the beginning of a transformation into another existence that goes on and on forever and ever. Life is energy and even in physics we learned that energy is never destroyed. We are destined to live forever. Every transformation, every new birth and new existence is an improvement of the previous one. This goes on and on until we are transformed into a state of perfection to qualify us to see and enjoy the Beatific Vision. That is, seeing God face-to-face.

A floater in the eye may block some portions of an image or a scenery but what is that compared to the block in seeing the Beatific Vision as obscured by the spiritual floater brought about by sin? A floater in the eye is dissolved by medicated eye-drops and likewise, sin is dissolved by God's mercy dropped in the form of love.

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