Monday, August 27, 2007

Balanced Diet

Gluttony is overeating or more specifically, sinful eating. It is eating beyond the body's physiological needs. It is the modern rich man's most common sin. The irony of it is that while many are committing this grievous sin, more are getting hungrier not by choice but simply because they have nothing to eat.

Many who died of malnutrition could have been saved if only the left over of those who indulged in gluttony was given to them to eat. If you have seen a child eating pieces of food directly from the garbage you will understand what I am saying.

Eaters also gt sick. Indigestion, food poisoning, hypertension, gouty arthritis, heart diseases and serious allergic reactions afflict them. "If the poor man cannot always buy meat, the rich man cannot always digest it".

One day we went to a big restaurant with the intention of treating ourselves with a good meal. We would have felt better the effect of the intention had we not ordered so much food. To me the best way to enjoy food is to eat just a little bit short of the necessary balanced diet. There would be no waste, no regrets, no overindulgence, and only a hanging appetite craving to eat more. It is even healthier.

If there is a sin more common than lying it is gluttony. Yet it is the most neglected, the never confessed sin and it is eating deep in our soul.

A simple balance diet is still the best.

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