Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Houses and Homes

Dwelling places, which are formally called homes, are as varied, as there are places for them except in some villages where houses are built to look exactly the same externally.

In my preoccupation as Insurance Medical Examiner I have been exposed to different dwelling places, from those of the very rich and affluent to those of the very poor and even to some squatters. It is very interesting to note how a house reflects the personality and other characteristics of the dwellers. Poor people who are forced by circumstances to live in lowly houses can still show their dignity and taste on the way they tend their places of abode while instant rich still exhibits their selfish motives even in the guise of extravagance.

One can feel many things inside a house: the friendliness, the achievements, the dreams or the insecurities, the frustrations, the authoritativeness and many other traits of the homeowners once one is inside the house.

Generally, poor families are warmer and more accommodating. The rich ones are more aloof, more withdrawn, fearful and detached. Houses of the poor are full of life while those of the rich are seldom breathing. Mostly. they are like commercial advertisements in glamor and color but usually unfriendly.

I simply enjoy entering houses that are homes.

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