Friday, August 10, 2007

God's Graces

God's graces are pouring all over the country. It is raining everywhere, a hangover of the double typhoon Cheding and Dodong that passed-by very quickly and quietly. The raindrops are thin and not in a hurry, just what the dying land is waiting.

You can see how plants grow, glow and enjoy the heavenly blessings. After all the calamities that visited the country last year, things are now showing good signs and better prospect for the country in deep turmoil.

War with the MILF and the Abu-Sayaff are showing pathways to peace with the religious people involving themselves in attempt to catch up with peaceful settlements.

Back home, events are also turning to the better side. My wife is getting good deals in most of her business ventures and also harvesting good products from her favorite farm.

People of all ages and background are coming to me for help, advice, joke, counseling and not very seldom, financial assistance. I am happy that at my age people are still seeking what I can offer in service in different forms.

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