Friday, August 24, 2007

Leaking Roof

Roofing is important. It covers the houses from elements and specially from the rain and other falling objects. Without a roof a house is incomplete but with a roof it is already livable even if it is still unfinished.

There are many kinds of roofing from carton boxes and pieces of plastic sewn together, to plant leaves, galvanized iron, glasses, tiles and bullet-proof materials. But whatever type of roof a house carries, it is not serving its purpose if it is leaking like our roof. You cannot find holes in our roof if you try to look for them but when it rains it leaks and the dripping damages everything underneath from ceiling to bed and floor. It leaks at different places at different times and it is now being fixed by supposedly roof specialists.

Roofs are like hats, umbrellas and anything that protects the head and the body from the sun and the rain. Like umbrellas that are expensive some roofs command a price enough to buy a new house.

A typhoon one time broke the antennae tower of one house. It fell and damaged the neighbor's roof that amounted to P300,000.oo. Roofs are important. Like the toupee of a man who is bald, roof is the golden crown that makes the house.

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