Sunday, September 16, 2007


Power failure is getting common. All of a sudden puff!!! And there is blackout (more commonly called brownout). You start fishing for flashlight, candles and matchbox jut to discover that nothing is in place. So you start bumping on objects both hard and soft, sharp and breakables as well as each other.

The automatic light is out of order because you forgot to charge it when there was light. You begin cursing Meralco and the Government but never yourself in spite of your own contributions to the country's maladies.During a blackout, a mansion was totally burned down after a lighted candle fell down from its stand and its flame caught the carpet, then the curtains, then everything around while the whole family was at the ground floor waiting for the resumption of power.

A lady was raped when she was caught by the blackout while jogging around the village. A drug addict saw her groping in the dark, grabbed her, brought her to an even darker corner behind thick bushes and when the power came back she was completely deflowered.

Let there be light!!! God said long before electricity was discovered...during that time when there was nothing but darkness...and there was light

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