Thursday, September 20, 2007


Sleep is the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of of the body are restored. To sleep is to rest and recharge one's energy. Different people have different sleeping habit as each one also has different sleeping needs.

Some people sleep long while others sleep less but I know no one who hadn't experienced sleep as there is no record of one who didn't experience wakefulness. Both sleep and wakefulness are natural needs of every living individual.

There is a disease called Narcolepsy whereby the one affected just sleep continuously. It is due to some disturbance in the nervous system. There is another malady called Insomnia which is the exact opposite of Narcolepsy, when the affected person cannot sleep. Both maladies are very unpleasant and nobody feels happy being affected by either of the ailments.

Many people, specially politicians, sleep on their work or job. The Somnambulists walk in their sleep. During sleep a person dreams and while he is dreaming his wishes are fulfilled. If not for the wish fulfillment while dreaming, there would be so many nervous wrecks.

Through Hypnosis I can induce a sleep-like feeling called trance, and help people overcome their problems.

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