Sunday, September 9, 2007


Fortune-telling is a kind of superstition. The Roman Catholic Church does not allow it because believing in fortune-telling is like believing in a "strange god". But even some priests enjoy palm reading and some other sort of foretelling the future.

When I was young someone read my fortune even without me requesting for it, and what a reading it was. He told me to avoid courting a girl whose name begins with A or M. I happened to be in love with someone whose first two letters of her name were AM. I was told to look instead for someone whose name begins with S or P and yes I knew someone whose first name begins with S and the family name begins with P. She was supposed to be my lucky partner but she later became insane.

The fortune-teller also told me that my first child would die and then after the birth of my second child the mother, my wife, would die. I didn't give much attention to that until I got married and was reminded of it when my second child was about to be born. What if my first child die suddenly just before the birth of the second child and what if my wife dies after delivering my second child?

The unsolicited fortune reading really haunted me although I claimed not to believe. When my wife delivered my second child and no one died I knew the reading wasn't true. Now I have five children all very healthy with their own families and children. My wife is simply so strong she could live up to a hundred years. "Thou shall not have strange gods before Me".

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