Monday, September 3, 2007

g e n e t i c s

Inborn traits are traits inherited. They are traits genetically transmitted from the parents to the offspring. No one can choose his inherited traits, they just come out with him when he is born and they make up one third of his life.

His environment provides the other third and the last third is given off by education. As such, where one lives and studies count so much in the realization of his total personality. Active rolls played by the three factors that guide his growth and development decides the fullness of a person.

While it is no longer possible to choose one's parents after birth, these parents are usually the ones responsible for the lives of their children. Very unlucky indeed are children born with bad traits running in their genes. Good parents must try their bests to offset those bad traits by giving their children a good education and exposing them to a good environment. But the parents who themselves are victims of unwanted traits cannot always do the right thing as they are slaves of their own inherited traits. They just watch their children grow as they are.

As the children are transformed to adulthood they begin to feel their needs and find ways to fulfill them. So they enroll to different improvement courses and expose themselves to people they like with hopes of realizing their own dreams. But behind them is always tagging those inherited traits that keep them unique and different from others.

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