Saturday, September 22, 2007


Democracy means freedom and freedom is a condition of acting without compulsion. To be free is every man's wish. The reason why many are for democracy.

Psychology on the other hand deals with human behavior, which actually is an offshoot of the person's experiences together with other important factors. To understand why a person behaves the way he does, he must be observed while doing freely what he feels like doing. This is the reason why psychology intermingles with democracy---both deals with man's freedom.

If you have observed a child doing freely what he feels like doing and if you have noticed how contented and happy the child is, you will understand what I am saying here.

But adults cannot tolerate baby's freedom because freedom can also lead to accidents and destruction. So a child grows up to be suppressed and seems to behave better with a generous amount of intelligent suppression.

I believe that complete freedom is not good, in fact it is dangerous. What is good and attainable is guided freedom like a genuine democracy. It is beneficial because it improves human behavior. A true government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Long live democracy! Long live Psychology! Long live man who behaves freely and normally.

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