Tuesday, September 25, 2007


The true lover of knowledge is always striving after being.---Plato

Don't meditate, be in meditation.---Buddha

What we need is an enthusiastic but calm state of mind and intense but orderly work.___Mao Che Tung

When a man can still his senses, I call him illuminated.___Sri Krisna

The above quotations were all taken from the book Calm Technique by Paul Wilson. It is a book on mediation minus the magic and mysticism.

Who doesn't want to feel calm but alas! The world is so confused in great madness as if to be calm in this world is to be dead. But even in death there is disturbance.

They say if a certain number of people can only meditate honestly at a certain time and place, the serenity that they can accomplish will be enough to solve all the tension, apprehension, misconception, anger, fear, and all the negative vibrations that now circulate in the universe.

Let us all meditate and help save the world.

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